Page 214 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 214


        a mobile application. Topics such                            flows, potential flows, and introduce
        as mobile user interface, storage   Master of                transition to turbulence and
        organization, application life cycle                         turbulent flows.
        and communication will be covered   Science in
        in details.                                                  MEC 515 - Linear Elasticity
                                      Mechanical                     Credit Hours: 3
                                      Engineering                    Pre-requisite: Graduate status
                                                                     Stress and strain in three dimensions,
                                                                     fundamental field equations of
                                                                     linear elasticity; deformation:
                                        Core Courses                 displacements, strains and
                                                                     compatibility; equilibrium; three
                                                                     dimensional Hooke’s law; energy
                                      MEC 511 -  Advanced            methods and related principles; two-
                                      Mathematics and Applied        dimensional problems in elasticity;
                                      Statistics                     stress function solutions in Cartesian
                                      Credit Hours: 3                and Polar coordinates; torsion of
                                      Pre-requisite: Graduate Status  prismatic and thin-walled members;
                                                                     stresses in thick and thin-walled
                                      This course focuses on mathematical   pressure vessels and rotating discs;
                                      formulation and analysis of    linear elastic fracture mechanics;
                                      Mechanical engineering processes   anisotropic elasticity. Ethical and
                                      and systems, including initial and   autonomous learning techniques will
                                      boundary value problems. The course   be employed throughout the course
                                      will include matrices and vectors,   where relevant.
                                      system of equations, ordinary and
                                      partial differential equations, and   MEC 522 - Advanced Heat
                                      complex variables. Mathematical   Transfer
                                      methods such as separation of   Credit Hours: 3
                                      variables, Laplace transformation,   Pre-requisite: Graduate status
                                      Fourier transformation, integral
                                      transformation, orthogonal functions   Review of fundamentals of heat
                                      and Bessel functions will be covered.   transfer modes (conduction,
                                      Applications to structural analysis,   convection, radiation). Steady
                                      fluid mechanics, Heat transfer and   State conduction with internal
                                      dynamical systems to practical   heat generation. Solution of 2-D
                                      mechanical engineering problems   conduction and fins problems.
                                      are demonstrated.              Laminar Boundary layer concepts
                                                                     and solution of Laminar and
                                      MEC 513 - Advanced Fluid       turbulent convection problems.
                                      Mechanics                      Different forms solutions for heat
                                      Credit Hours: 3                exchangers. Black body and gray
                                      Pre-requisite: Graduate status  surface radiation exchange. Boiling
                                                                     and condensation heat transfer.
                                      Review of vectors, tensors, tensor
                                      notation, vector and tensor calculus,   MEC 524 - Finite Element
                                      stresses in fluids, and Eulerian   Applications in Solid Mech and
                                      and Lagrangian viewpoints. Study   Heat Transfer
                                      the fundamental concepts and   Credit Hours: 3
                                      equations of fluid mechanics and   Pre-requisite: Graduate status
                                      conservational laws in a unified
                                      vector/tensor approach. Develop   The course provides a brief review
                                      conservation of mass, momentum,   of basic FE in solids and builds
                                      and energy laws and examine their   on the knowledge gained in the
                                      properties. Analyse boundary layer   introductory course in FEA. The

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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