Page 215 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 215


        course expands on the theory   the variational, residual methods and   systems, design sensitivity analysis;
        of variational and weighted   Galerkin FE formulation methods,   introduction to genetic algorithms
        residual methods and their use   and then develops the Galerkin   and particle-swarm techniques;
        in formulating the FE equations   formulation in the application   applications.
        for general PDE’s. The course   of conduction heat transfer with   MEC 553 -  Online Condition-
        provides theoretical treatment for   radiation and convection boundary   based  Monitoring of Rotating
        the formulation of isoparametric   conditions. Both steady state   Equipment
        and special elements and their   and transient conditions will be
        applications in engineering   considered. Direct time integration   Credit Hours: 3
                                      schemes, treatment of nonlinearities,
        problems. Various types of    accuracy and convergence       Pre-requisite:  Graduate status
        elements, singularity elements   characteristics will be discussed. In   This is a first course in online
        and extended FE will be discussed.   the second area of application, the   condition health monitoring aiming
        The numerical methods for spatial   course provides a unified theoretical   at introducing basics of monitoring
        and time integration, solution of   treatment for the formulation of   techniques and the use of vibration
        linear algebraic equations, and   the finite element, finite volume   and acoustic measurements in
        the evaluation of eigenvalues   and finite difference methods in   online monitoring of rotating
        will be introduced. Application   fluid dynamics. The formulation is   equipment. The course covers the
        in solid mechanics will include   presented for general engineering   following topics: Review of basic
        elastic problems and linear elastic   problems in incompressible fluid   vibrations concepts; Overview of
        fracture mechanics problems. In   mechanics and convection diffusion   condition monitoring systems;
        each application area the basic   analyses. The course is aimed at   Vibration transducers; Vibration
        governing equations will be   giving students an overview of the   signals from rotating machines;
        outlined and methods of their   use, limitations and applications of   Basic signal processing techniques:
        finite element formulation will be   various numerical techniques in the   Fourier and fast Fourier transforms,
                                                                     Time-frequency analysis and wavelet
        discussed.                    above fields. The use of a commercial   transforms; Diagnostic techniques;
                                      program (ANSYS, FLUENT) in a project
        MEC 526 - Renewable Energy    type of work will provide the students   Rolling elements bearings faults and
        Credit Hours: 3               with an overview of the capabilities   detection; Journal bearing analysis,
                                      and limitations of such programs   stability and monitoring; Inverse
        This course introduces the basic   available in the market. Ethical and   analysis for crack detection, crack size
        technical and economic criteria to   autonomous learning techniques will   estimates and remaining safe life.
        design efficient energy conversion   be employed throughout the course   MEC 554 - MEMS
        processes of the traditional as well   where relevant.
        as renewable energy systems. The   MEC 552 - Mechanical Design   (Microelectromechanical
        course discusses design strategies to                        Systems)
        increase energy efficiency and more   Optimization           Credit Hours: 3
        green operation. This introduces   Credit Hours: 3           Pre-requisite: Graduate status
        also spectrum of the most used   Pre-requisite:  Graduate status
        energy systems and design and                                 This course introduces the
        selection criteria based on long-term   General mathematical model   fundamental engineering knowledge
        economic viability and overall energy   of optimum design problems;   of MEMS (Microelectromechanical
        management strategies         formulation of optimal design   Systems). The students will also
                                      mechanical problems, Graphical   learn about the nano-materials and
                                      optimization; Review of calculus   smart materials and their operation
          Technical Electives         concepts: gradient vector, Hessian   characteristics and limitations. In
                                      matrix and quadratic forms;    this course fabrication technique of
                                      unconstrained and constrained   the MEMS components is provided
        MEC 551 - Computational Fluid   problems, inequality constraints and   with concentration on the key
        Dynamics (CFD) & Heat Transfer   Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions;   components including actuation
        (HT),                         linear programming methods for   transducers and microfluidic chips.
        Credit Hours: 3               optimum design; steepest descent   The students will be expected to
                                                                     employ the course knowledge by
        Pre-requisite: Graduate status  method, search and quasi-Newton   participating in design project of
                                      methods, finite element formulation
                                      for optimal design problems, optimal   MEMS system
        The course provides a brief review of
                                      design of mechanical dynamic
        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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