Page 210 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 210


        CSE 512 - Advanced Cyber      The content of the course and
        Digital Forensics             the subjects vary depending on   Master of
        Credit hours: 3               the market demand, instructor   Science in
                                      background and students’ interest in
        Prerequisite: Graduate status   the subject.
        The main purpose of this course                              Electrical and
        us to emphasize the fundamentals
        and importance of digital forensics.                         Computer
        Students will learn different
        procedures and techniques that                               Engineering
        will enable them to perform a
        digital investigation. Students will
        develop an understanding of the
        fundamentals associated with
        the topologies, protocols, and                                Core Courses
        applications required to conduct
        forensic analysis in a network
        environment. Students will learn                             ECE 500 – Integrated Circuit
        data acquisition and duplication                             Design
        techniques using different forensic
        tools to acquire the evidence from                           Credit Hour:  3
        hard disks and different file systems.                       Prerequisite:  Graduate Standing
        Students will learn how to conduct                           CMOS technology continues to
        computer, network, web, database,                            be the dominant technology for
        mobile, cloud and malware forensics.                         fabricating integrated circuits (ICs
        They will also learn the importance of                       or chips). This course introduces
        legal considerations, digital evidence                       students to the design of CMOS
        controls, and documentation of                               analog and digital integrated circuits.
        forensic procedures. This course will                        It covers the design, physical layout,
        incorporate demonstrations and                               and simulation of CMOS analog
        laboratory exercises to reinforce                            and digital integrated circuits.
        practical applications of course.                            Design techniques are presented
        ITE 530 - Advanced Selected                                  for the long and short-channel
        Topics in IT                                                 (nanometer) CMOS technologies.
                                                                     At first, MOSFET modeling, current
        Credit hours: 3                                              mirrors, voltage and current
                                                                     references, differential amplifiers
        Prerequisite: Graduate status
                                                                     and op-amps are presented. The
        The course aims to provide students                          second section of the course is
        with an advanced knowledge in IT.                            dedicated to the introduction of the
        Topics may include new emerging                              inverter, static logic gates, and digital
        IT technologies such as Blockchain,                          clocked circuits. The students will
        Microservices, Advanced Deep                                 learn the methodologies to carry
        learning, Quantum computing,                                 out Integrated Circuit design, and
        Computer and Machine Vision,                                 related computer-aided design (CAD)
        Augmented and Virtual Reality, and                           software tools (CADENCE).
        any other new IT technologies that
        are not covered by the core courses.                         ECE 501 - Advanced Embedded
        The main purpose of this course is                           System Design
        to study IT related topics that are                          Credit Hour:  3
        not included in the current MSc. in IT                       Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
        curriculum. Students will do practical
        exercises and tasks throughout the                           This course introduces students to
        unit.                                                        advanced embedded systems design
                                                                     techniques and their applications.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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