Page 212 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 212


        students will be formed to work as   a unit on each project, and also for   ECE 630 – Advanced Low-Power
        a unit on each project, and also for   the purpose of an oral special topic   Integrated Circuit Design
        the purpose of an oral special topic   presentation. Every project is unique   Credit Hour:  3
        presentation. Every project is unique   and may require additional readings
        and may require additional readings   to promote self and life-long learning,   Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
        to promote self and life-long learning,   and part of the challenge for the   In recent years, with the development
        and part of the challenge for the   students is to determine the stepsto   of applications such as mobile
        students is to determine the steps   take.                   systems, sensor networks, and
        to take.                      Typical goals are conducting   biomedical applications, power
        Typical goals are conducting   feasibility studies, development of   consumption has become the most
        feasibility studies, development of   preliminary designs, creation of   compelling constraint in designing
        preliminary designs, creation of   advanced designs in software and   integrated circuits (ICs). This course
        advanced designs in software and   hardware, final building and testing   introduces in depth the theme
        hardware, final building and testing   of the product, and understanding   of low-power analog and digital
        of the product, and understanding   the impact of the solution in a   integrated circuits. At first, energy-
        the impact of the solution in a   global economic, environmental   constrained applications and system
        global economic, environmental   and societal context. There will be   requirements are introduced. In the
        and societal context. There will be   regularly scheduled online class   second section, MOSFET modeling
        regularly scheduled online class   sessions every week. All members   in weak inversion is presented.
        sessions every week. All members   of the class are expected to attend   The second section of the course
        of the class are expected to attend   these sessions, which are partially   is dedicated to the analog circuits
        these sessions, which are partially   devoted to class discussion, overall   in weak inversion. Finally, the third
        devoted to class discussion, overall   planning and scheduling of class   section of the course is dedicated to
        planning and scheduling of class   activities.               low-power digital circuits.
        activities. Students on the MEngECE                          On the other hand, the students
        program are expected to orient their                         will be involved in a project work in
        project towards management of                                small groups. They will apply their
        Electrical and Computer Engineering    Elective Courses      knowledge from earlier courses to
        project.                                                     design a low-power integrated circuit.
                                      ECE 622 – Embedded Signal      This is done using modern CAD tools
                                      Processing                     such as CADENCE. It will provide
                                                                     precious hands-on experience as the
           Thesis Option              Credit Hour:  3                students go through a realistic ASIC
                                      Prerequisite: Graduate Standing     design cycle from specification to
                                                                     finished integrated circuit.
        ECE 691- Thesis in ECE        This course introduces students to   ECE 632 – Computer Based
                                      real-time signal processing systems
        Credit Hour: 3                and their design and implementation   Power System Planning and
        Prerequisite: 15 credit hours  using embedded systems. It    Design
                                      introduces students to the Blackfin
        The objective of this course is to   processor and its programming and   Credit Hour:  3
        provide guided experience in wide   applications in the area of real-time   Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
        areas of Electrical and Computer   audio, image, and video signal
        Engineering to student teams   processing. It also discusses the   This course covers power system
        working on design projects. The   limitations imposed due to use of   planning and design using modeling
        projects will integrate various   embedded systems and the influence   and simulation tools and techniques.
        Electrical and Computer Engineering   of these limitations on algorithm   The main part of this course is
        skills into operational prototypes.  utilization and design. The course   dedicated for implementing various
                                                                     types of analysis and design
        The projects will emphasize problem   discusses digital signal processing   techniques for future power systems
        definition, design conceptualization,   principles and filter design before   and analyzes various future energy
        implementation and system     introducing implementation     scenarios. The analysis types
        integration in software and hardware   techniques using embedded   include load flow, economic load
        aspects. There are no formal lectures   systems.             flow, harmonic load flow, reliability
        associated with the course. Teams of                         analysis, short-circuit analysis, switch
        students will be formed to work as                           events and transients, contingency

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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