Page 213 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 213


        analysis and stability analysis   ECE 638 – Nano-Optical Devices  experienced by the user. This course
        (Dynamic and transient).      Credit Hour:  3                will examine techniques to develop
        ECE 634 - Optoelectronic Devices   Prerequisite: Graduate Standing  Ajax applications. It will look at the
                                                                     underlying techniques; explore client-
        and Circuits                  Recently, research has focused   side tools, and server-side tools.
        Credit Hour:  3               on a new range of materials and   ITE 510 –  Advanced Data
        Prerequisite: Graduate Standing     technologies that fall under the   Communication and Computer
                                      umbrella of nanotechnology. Optical
        This course introduces in depth the   devices, for instant, are developed   Networks
        theme of optoelectronic devices   on a nanometer scale; promising   Credit Hour:  3
        and circuits. At first, an extensive   a new world of scalability and   Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
        revision of semiconductor physics   integration. This course emphasizes
        is introduced. The crystal structure   on the analysis and design of nano-  The course covers the advancements
        and fabrication technologies, the   optical devices and systems. As   of communication networks and
        semiconductor band structures,   the theme in its nature is dynamic   presents in depth some topics
        the scattering processes and the   and continuously evolving, the   introduced in the first networking
        optical and the optoelectronics   course is based on a combination   course such as advanced routing
        properties of semiconductors are   of traditional delivery of teaching   protocols, advanced congestion
        all presented. In the second section,   material, covering recent advances   control techniques, and Quality of
        the optical sources and detectors   of the field, and conducting research   Service.  In addition, this course
        are introduced. These include: Light   projects carried out by the students.   provides an in-depth understanding
        Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and their   In these projects, students - with the   of existing and emerging optical
        structures, output characteristics,   instructor assistance- shall research,   network technologies and includes:
        coupling to fibers, bandwidths,   analyze and design nano-optical   fiber optic communications, SONET/
        and spectral emissions. The   devices and systems. This will provide   SDH, WDM, DWDM, and optical
        LASERS and their operation types,   them an up-to-date knowledge,   Ethernet. The course also covers new
        spatial emission pattern, and their   experience on modern design tools,   emerging networks such as sensor
        current Vs. output characteristics.   and understanding of the state-of-  networks, MANETs, VANETs and their
        The photo-detectors and their   the-art technology.          applications
        characteristics, Photoemissive types,
        Photoconductivity and photovoltaic   ITE 500 – Rich Internet   ITE 520 – Mobile Application
        devices. Finally, the last section of the   Applications     Development
        course is dedicated to introduce the   Credit Hour:  3       Credit Hour:  3
        theme of integrated optical circuits.                        Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
        These include dielectric waveguides,   Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
        coupled-mode theory, directional   Rich Internet applications (RIAs) are   With the ever increasing proliferation
        couplers, and photonic crystals.  web applications that approximate   of mobile devices such as smart
        ECE 635 - Special Topics in   the look, feel, and usability of desktop   phones and tablets, it becomes very
                                                                     pertinent for Information Technology
        Electrical and Computer       applications. The techniques to   professionals and students to learn
        Engineering                   implement them are based on a   how to write software for these
                                      group of technologies collectively
        Credit Hour:  3               known as Ajax (Asynchronous Java   devices.  Mobile Applications are
        Prerequisite: Graduate Standing     Scrip and XML), which uses client-side   becoming one of the most popular
                                      scripting to make web applications   ways to quickly reach millions of
        This course introduces students to   more responsive. The resultant   users. In this course students learn
        advanced topics in areas not covered   applications were richer than the   how to develop a variety of mobile
        by the program. Students cover   relatively static pure-HTML-based   applications. Android will be used
        these topics theoretically and using   Web applications that preceded   as the development platform but
        hands-on software or hardware lab   them. These applications have   other platforms can be considered
        experiments. The course emphasizes   become known as Ajax applications,   by students and instructor whenever
        exploration of recent technologies   rich internet applications, or Web   needed. The course covers the most
        and advances in the area. The course   2.0 applications. They separate   relevant concepts and techniques
        content may change as the course is   client-side user interaction and   for developing mobile applications.
        repeated.                     server communication, and run   It introduces students to the basic
                                      them in parallel reducing the delays   components that define a mobile
                                      of server side processing normally   OS or platform and then moves to
                                                                     cover specific structures for building

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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