Page 216 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 216


        MEC 555 - Bio-Materials       microcontroller. The Design and   MEC 560 - Production Systems
        Credit Hours: 3               analysis of the fundamental    Operations
                                      mechatronic system will enable the
        Pre-requisite: Graduate status  students to integrate the sensing   Credit Hours: 3
        This course introduces the science   and actuation components with   Pre-requisite: Graduate Status
        and engineering of Biomaterials. The   the microcontroller and generate   This course which deals with
        introduced biomaterials are: metals,   advanced mechatronic workstation.   analytical principles of manufacturing
        ceramics, polymers, composites.   The medical mechatronics concepts   systems design, analysis and control;
        The structure and properties of   are reinforced through computer   emphasis placed on stochastic
        biomaterials and the biologic   design and simulation using MATLAB   analysis; role of variability and
        tissues will be studied.  Specific   toolbox.                impact on cycle time; push versus
        implant applications including   MEC 558 - Computer Aided    pull production strategies including
        biocompatibility will be addressed.  Analysis of Multi-Body systems  Kanban and constant WIP control;
        MEC 556 - Solar Energy        Credit Hours: 3                probability, queuing theory, Little’s
                                                                     Law, heavy traffic approximation and
        Credit Hours: 3               Pre-requisite: Graduate status  queuing networks.
        Pre-requisite: Graduate status  This course will cover the kinematics,   MEC 561 - Dynamics of
        This course will focus on     dynamics, and analysis of flexible   Mechanical Systems
        fundamentals of solar energy   mechanisms. It also cover the   Credit Hours: 3
        conversion, solar cells, optical   constrained mechanical systems
        engineering, photoelectrochemical   with flexible components, Numerical   Pre-requisite:  Graduate Status
        cells, thermoelectric generators,   methods, Computer-Aided   This course will include studying the
        and energy storage and distribution   Analysis, Applications, Large scale   concepts of Degrees of freedom,
        systems. The course covers solar   deformable bodies, Finite element   generalized coordinates, principle of
        energy insolation and global   method, and Constrained motion of   virtual work, D’Alembert’s Principle,
        energy needs, current trends in   interconnected rigid and deformable   Lagrange’s Equation, and Hamilton’s
        photovoltaic energy engineering,   bodies. It will introduce coordinate   Principle both in planar and spatial
        solar cell material science, design   reduction, computational methods,   motion to develop equations of
        and installation of solar panels   and applications using computer   motion and Newton-Euler equations
        for residential and industrial   software, e.g. ADAMS        for rigid bodies.
        applications and connections to   MEC 559 - Design of Robotics
        the national grid and cost analysis                          MEC 562 - Transport Phenomena
        of the overall system. In addition,   Manipulator            in Porous Media
        basic manufacturing processes   Credit Hours: 3              Credit Hours: 3
        for the production of solar panels,   Pre-requisite: Graduate status  Pre-requisite: Graduate Status
        environmental impacts, and
        the related system engineering   This course aims to provide the   This graduate course is intended
        aspects will be included to provide   student with advanced kinematics   as advanced course in the field of
        a comprehensive state-of-the   concepts and it is application to   transport phenomena in porous
        art approach to solar energy   the design, analysis and control of   media. Fluid flow, heat and mass
        utilization.                  robotic manipulators. It focuses on   transfer play a major role in different
                                      studying the kinematic synthesis of   engineering discipline such as in civil
        MEC 557 - Advanced            planar linkages and Higher-order   in the area of concrete corrosion,
        Mechatronics                  precision point and approximate   chemical in petroleum industries,
        Credit Hours: 3               synthesis.  Also it focuses on   biomedical in flow in lungs and bones
        Pre-requisite: Graduate status  studying function, and path-angle   and in mechanical engineering such
                                      problems, spatial kinematics and   as in filters. This course will give
        This course aims to introduce   coordinate transformation. It will   the student a strong knowledge of
        the students to the design and   also introduce the learner to forward   porous media and its application.
        analysis techniques of mechatronic   and inverse kinematics of articulated   The course will cover different
        systems with key focus on the   mechanical arms, rigid body motion   applications in the Mechanical
        biomedical technology. Students   and dynamics of robots, Trajectory   engineering field.
        will learn how to integrate   generation, and robot control.
        mechanical and electromechanical
        systems by utilizing a commodity

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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