Page 219 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 219
Council states tackle regional and MIR 509 - Regional and topic and in consultation with their
international political, economic and International Security supervisors, submit the dissertation
security challenges both individually Credit Hours: 3 proposal. The dissertation maybe on
and collectively. the wide-ranging topic, empirical or
Prerequisite: MIR 502, MIR 503, theoretical, reflecting the breadth of
MIR 507 - International Nuclear MIR 504 International Relations. Research can
Politics This course provides the foundations be wholly or largely library-based or
Credit Hours: 3 for analyzing the enduring questions can involve empirical data collection,
and culminate in the submission of a
Prerequisite: MIR 502, MIR 503 of regional and international 20,000-word dissertation.
security. The course develops the
This course will introduce students analytic tools that are useful for
to the politics and history of understanding how the regional or
nuclear weapons, its significance, international environments generate
the strategies developed for their threats and opportunities for states.
use, the consequences of their The course covers a broad spectrum
development, and the efforts of traditional and non- traditional
to control and reverse their security issues (non-military and
proliferation. In addressing these human security) examined from a
issues, the students will study a regional and global context. The
variety of case studies, including field of security issues is no longer
the 5 formal nuclear weapon limited to traditional security threats
states as well as key regional such as military threats, terrorism,
players. Ultimately, the course law enforcement and critical
raises questions about the nuclear infrastructure protection; it also
strategies that have been pursued includes non-traditional security
by different states. Given the current threats such as humanitarian
security threat landscape facing the intervention, economic security,
Gulf today, it is pertinent for the and environmental security. This
students to familiarize themselves postgraduate program, also,
with the major players and concepts examines the theoretical and
within the subject. conceptual frameworks that tend to
explain geopolitical security issues
MIR 508 - International and interests.
Credit Hours: 3 MIR 599 - Thesis
Prerequisite: MIR 502, MIR 503 Credit Hours: 6
Prerequisite: Reg. in Last Semester
This course emphasizes the
international dimensions of terrorism All students in the M.A. program
and its associated transnational should complete a Thesis on a
patterns and problems. The course subject of their choice as part of
examines the evolution of the their postgraduate degree. The
phenomenon of terrorism, which Dissertation is worth 6 credit hours,
has reemerged as a lead feature and is compulsory for students
of contemporary international taking the Master of International
relations. It addresses the questions Relations degree. The dissertation
of definition of terrorism, history offers students the opportunity to
of the concept, perspectives on develop, organize and carry out a
causes, and the emergence of New research that will further develop
Terrorism after September 11, their research and written skills;
2001. The course will also deal with it is the culmination of studies
several terrorism-related issues such in International Relations. The
as cyber terrorism, international dissertation will provide students
counter-terrorism, and weapons of with an opportunity to integrate and
mass destruction. And the final part hone a variety of skills acquired and
of the course will focus on terrorism extended during their studies, and to
in five main regions: America, Asia, significantly deepen their knowledge.
Europe, Africa and the Middle East. In the final semester, students will
select and finalize a dissertation
Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025