Page 218 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 218



        Master of                     critical and analytical abilities; and   actors, processes, goals, instruments,
                                                                     and contexts. The political,
                                      to use theories of International
        International                 Relations to deeply understand   institutional, social and psychological
                                                                     dimensions of foreign policy will
                                      issues, developments and realities of
                                                                     be examined. We shall cover both
                                      International Relations. The course
        Relations                     will focus on Classical realism, Neo-  theoretical approaches and particular
                                                                     issue-areas and cases.
                                      realism, and Neo-Classical Realism;
                                      Liberalism and Neo-liberalism, Critical
                                      Theory, Feminism, Constructivism,   MIR 505  - The United Arab
                                      Theories of Conflict, International   Emirates Foreign Policy
          Core Courses                Society Approach, Theories
                                      of Integration, the theoretical   Credit Hours: 3
                                      relationship between international   Prerequisite: MIR 502, MIR 504
                                      relations and international law,
        MIR 501 - Research            Globalization and theories of change.   This course analyzes the making
        Methodology in International                                 and implementation of the foreign
                                                                     policy of the United Arab Emirates
        Relations                     MIR 503 - International Crises   (UAE). The course, also, combines
        Credit Hours: 3               Management                     three major elements: (1) A study
        Prerequisite: None            Credit Hours: 3                of the history of Emirates relations
                                                                     since independence in 1971. (2)
        This course aims at developing   Prerequisite: None          Analysis of the domestic, regional
        students’ political research skills   The course covers the main   and international factors affecting the
        through providing an advanced   concepts related to international   UAE foreign policy. (3) A discussion
        knowledge about formulating   crisis management, the theoretical   of the major policy issues in the
        research proposals and theoretical   attitudes in international crises   contemporary foreign policy of the
        frameworks. This is applied by using   analysis, methodologies of analyzing   UAE. The Gulf Cooperation Council
        various research methods and   international crisis management,   (GCC) between cooperation and
        techniques such as the research   different types of international   integration, the future of Iraq, the
        problem and question, case study   crises, strategies, tools and factors   future of the Arab-Israeli conflict
        methods, literature review, content   of International crisis management,   and the Arab Spring. The list of
        analysis (quantitative and qualitative),   decision-making during the   issues includes the Iranian Nuclear
        survey methods and personal   crisis, and factors affecting crisis   program and the threat of extremism
        interviews, and discourse analysis.   management. The course, also,   and terrorism. Such issues are of
        The course is also an important   includes different case studies   significant influence for the future
        academic prerequisite for preparing   of international crises that the   of the Gulf, the Arab world, and the
        the graduation project.       theoretical knowledge gained   Middle East. Hence, they must be of
                                      by students will be reinforced by   great importance to the UAE foreign
        MIR 502  - Theory of          practical experience.          policy.
        International Relations
        Credit Hours: 3               MIR 504  - Foreign Policy      MIR 506 - The Gulf and the
        Prerequisite: None            Analysis
                                      Credit Hours: 3                Credit Hours: 3
        The course will cover the main                               Prerequisite: MIR 502
        explanatory paradigms and theories   Prerequisite: None
        in international relations. The   Foreign policy analysis is an   This course is designed to
        aims of this course are to provide   important component of the   provide the students with a deep
        International Relations Master   academic discipline of International   understanding of the international
        students a thorough background   Relations. The practice of foreign   significance of the Gulf region and
        in the discipline of International   policy is a key political activity of   the major challenges of regional
        Relations; to establish student’s   nearly all states. Foreign policy   security and the influence of global
        intellectual control over key   actions and discourses may shape, or   transformations on the region.
        theoretical concepts and arguments,   reflect the structure of world politics.   Students will also discuss the ways
        while strengthening individual   This course will look at foreign policy   in which the Gulf Cooperation

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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