Page 209 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
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        including reconnaissance, scanning,   initiative and independent thinking;   maintain integrity, confidentiality,
        enumeration, gaining access,   (b) involve both knowledge gained   and availability of data. The course
        maintaining access, and covering the   through coursework and skills   concludes upon the topic of legal and
        tracks. The course covers other topics   acquired during the conduct of the   ethical aspects of computer security
        related to hacking such as: malware,   M.Sc. thesis research; (c) demonstrate   including cybercrime, intellectual
        sniffers, and social engineering. In   the ability to carry out a major piece   property, privacy, and ethical issues.
        addition, the course introduces the   of work according to sound scientific
        students to various types of security   and engineering principles; (d)   CSE 502 - Security Risk
        attacks such as: denial of service,   organize work in a comprehensive   Assessment and Auditing
        session hijacking, SQL injection,   and well-structured report, and (e)   Credit hours: 3
        and attacks on Web servers and   demonstrate the ability to defend   Prerequisite: Graduate status
        applications.                 assumptions, methodology, and
                                      significance and impact of work. The   The aim of this course is to provide
        ITE 515 - Artificial Intelligence  thesis consists of two successive   students with an overview about
        Credit hours: 3               courses A and B. In the first part   security risk management, functions,
        Prerequisite: Graduate status  (ITE591A) the students are expected   mechanisms, and auditing. The
                                      to select and advisor, write a   course will expose students to the
        This course provides a        proposal and defend their proposal   latest and recent techniques for
        comprehensive introduction to   successfully. While in the second part   securing information and its systems,
        artificial intelligence. It is intended to   (ITE591B) students are expected to   through understanding the best
        equip the students with theoretical   complete their thesis work including   practices of management policies,
        and hands-on practical knowledge   defending it successfully and writing   procedures, methods and how to
        necessary to analyze and understand   at least one original conference/  apply the best auditing practices
        different aspects related to modern   journal paper for publication.  using variety of auditing tools and
        AI systems. Topics covered include                           related technologies. Moreover, the
        intelligent agents’ design, search and                       course will help students to apply
        optimization algorithms, machine   Elective Courses          audit tools, and audit procedures
        learning (ML), deep learning (DL),                           to help in detection and prevention
        natural language processing                                  of security breaches and frauds.
        (NLP), and recommender systems   CSE 501 - Cryptography and   Students will be able to apply full
        (RecSys). The course utilizes variety   Network Security     risk management activities for
        of learning and assessment tools   Credit hours: 3           information and systems under risk.
        including practical labs, case-study   Prerequisite: Graduate status
        analysis, and research paper writing.                        Students will have in depth view of
        By completing this course, the   This course provides a clear and   physical and infrastructure security
        students will be able to analyze the   practical approach of both the   through identifying, prevention, and
        requirements for real-life AI systems,   principles and practice of crypto-  mitigating such threats. Tools such as
        design them using the Rational   protocols and network security. The   IDS, IPS, firewalls, ACLs and different
        Agent Design Framework, implement   emphasis is on applications that   network types of protections,
        them by applying advanced learning,   are widely used on the Internet for   including remote and wireless
        search, or optimization algorithms,   corporate networks. Topics covered in   communications. Human resources
        and evaluate them using different   this course include network security   security is also introduced in this
        evaluation tools and techniques   concepts such as data integrity,   course to show the different policies
        presented in the course.      confidentiality, and availability. The   that need to be implemented. In this
                                                                     course, students should become
        ITE 591 - Master’s Thesis in    course will also cover other important   familiar with all legal and ethical
                                      topics related to network security,
        Information Technology        such as encryption (symmetric and   aspects that help them to conduct
        Credit hours: 9               asymmetric), cryptographic hash   proper risk assessments and security
        Prerequisite: 15 credits      functions, message authentication,   auditing and to understand that the
                                                                     strongly bonded these elements for
                                      digital signatures, key management
        Thesis is a comprehensive integrated   and distribution, firewalls, IP security,   successfully carrying out security risk
        project that brings together   email security and cloud security.   assessments in this digital age.
        knowledge, skills, and competencies   The practical component of this
        developed during the program.    course will provide the students
        Thesis requirements: (a) the thesis   with the skills to install, troubleshoot
        should exhibit elements of creativity,   and monitor network devices to

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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