Page 211 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 211


        Students learn and experiment with   ECE 520 – Advanced Power   by introducing 2D and 3D projective
        building their own microcontroller   System Analysis         transformations, then presents
        printed circuit board and interface   Credit Hour:  3        features extraction and matching,
        it to external hardware such as   Prerequisite: Graduate Standing  camera calibration, epipolar
        different sensors and actuators. They                        geometry and 3D reconstruction. The
        then move to discuss networking   This course builds on the   course then present more advanced
        aspects of embedded systems at the   fundamental knowledge the students   topics in computer and machine
        low-level using USART, SPI, and I2C,   have gained in their undergraduate   vision such as Pattern recognition
        and the high-level using HTTP over   program. It starts from the review   techniques and applications.
        WiFi. They experiment with RTOS   of various topics covered in the
        for microcontroller. Finally, students   pre-requisite course. Then it will   MEM 501 – Project Management
        study Linux for embedded system   cover optimal power flow, unit   Credit Hour: 3
        design and use its powerful feature   commitment, economic dispatch,   Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
        set to build advanced embedded   automatic generation control,
        Linux applications.           system stability analysis for multi-  This course covers the elements
                                      machine systems and advanced   of project management critical
        ECE 510 – Advanced            Control Strategies for power systems   to the success of engineering
        Communication Systems         to enhance system stability and   projects: project management
        Credit Hour:  3               automatic control.             framework, strategic management
        Prerequisite Graduate Standing   ECE 611 – Advanced Mixed Mode   and project selection, project
                                                                     organization, human aspects of
        The course covers recent advances   Integrated Circuit Design  project management, conflicts and
        of today’s communication systems.   Credit Hour:  3          negotiations, scope management,
        The analog and digital transmission   Prerequisite: Graduate Standing  time management, cost
        is reviewed at the beginning of the                          management, risk management,
        course. Consequently, advanced   The increasing market demand   contracts and procurement, project
        topics of communication systems   on integrated system-on-chip   termination, the project management
        are presented. The tentative topics   applications creates wide demand   office, and modern developments
        include light propagation in special   for integrated circuits (ICs) that can   in project management. Integrates
        fibers, optical waveguides, slowly   process both analog signals and   and clarifies the principles and tools
        varying envelope approximation,   digital logic. This course covers   through case studies from a variety
        group velocity dispersion, chirp,   electrical system building blocks   of disciplines.
        dispersion management in      working between the analog and
        communication system design,   digital world that are used in
        optical amplification, and soliton   integrated circuits. Such structures   Project Option
        signaling.                    include e.g. comparators, Nyquist-
                                      Rate analog to digital converters,
        ECE 512 - Smart Grids and     Nyquist-Rate digital to analog   ECE 690 - Electrical and
        Renewable Energy              converters, and oversampling   Computer Engineering Project
        Credit Hour:  3               converters.                    Credit Hour: 3
        Prerequisite: Graduate Standing    The students will learn the   Prerequisite: 15 credit hours
                                      methodologies to carry out a design
        The purpose of this course    of a mixed-mode IC, and related   The objective of this course is to
        is to understand and analyze   computer-aided design (CAD)   provide guided experience in wide
        requirements and challenges   software tools to improve the quality   areas of Electrical and Computer
        for implementing future smart   and optimality of mixed-signal IC   Engineering to student teams
        grids including different forms of   designs.                working on design projects. The
        distributed generation. Recent                               projects will integrate various
        approaches for implementing smart   ECE 621 – Computer and   Electrical and Computer Engineering
        grids will be covered in more detail.   Machine Vision       skills into operational prototypes.
        Then renewable energy resources   Credit Hour:  3            The projects will emphasize problem
        will be covered with details of system                       definition, design conceptualization,
        constraints, challenges, design and   Prerequisite: Graduate Standing
        control. Case studies will be included   This course introduces students to   implementation and system
                                                                     integration in software and hardware
        to understand the major challenges   the applications of computer and
        in wind and solar power integration   machine vision. The course starts   aspects. There are no formal lectures
                                                                     associated with the course. Teams of
        in Europe and North America.
        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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