Page 208 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 208


        Master of                     research problems, evaluate related   required to handle Big Data
                                                                     throughout the Big Data process.
                                      research works, and design a suitable
        Science in                    research methodology as well as   Finally, by completing this course,
                                                                     students will be able to design and
                                      communicate their ideas effectively
                                      through different mediums in a
                                                                     develop a Big Data solution using
        Information                   scientifically convincing manner. The   the techniques, methods, and
                                      course starts by defining scientific
                                                                     technologies introduced throughout
        Technology                    research and identifying its essential   the course.
                                      elements, then takes the students
                                      through a progressive journey   ITE 510 - Advanced Data
                                      through the different scientific   Communication and Computer
          Core Courses                research phases such as problem   Networks
                                      formulation, literature review, and   Credit hours: 3
                                      methodology design. Several class   Prerequisite: Graduate status
                                      activities relevant to weekly topics
        ITE 501 - Cloud Computing     are planned to ensure a balance   The course covers advanced
        Credit hours: 3               between theory and practice. In   communication networks and
        Prerequisite: Graduate status   doing so, students will learn methods   presents in depth some topics such
                                      for critically reading research   as advanced routing protocols,
        Cloud computing provides highly   papers, identifying research gaps,   advanced congestion control
        elastic scalability in delivery of   selecting interesting research topics,   techniques, Quality of Service, VPN
        enterprise applications. This course   formulating research questions,   Networks and Tunneling Protocols,
        provides comprehensive knowledge   planning research methodology,   and network management. The
        about cloud computing concepts   and discussing and communicating   course also covers recent research
        and capabilities across various   research results in a convincing   work for securing networks. In
        Cloud service models including   way. Several research tools are   addition, this course provides an
        Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),   presented to the students such as   in-depth understanding of existing
        Platform as a Service (PaaS) and   LaTeX, Mendeley, and SciVal through   network technologies such sensor
        Software as a Service (SaaS). This   practical tutorial sessions.  networks, MANETs, VANETs and their
        course will introduce students to                            applications. The course also covers
        basic concepts and principles of   ITE 504 - Advanced Big Data   new emerging networks such as
        cloud computing. The students will   Analytics               SASE, IoT/Edge Networks, 5G and its
        learn new programming paradigms   Credit hours: 3            successor 6G, etc.
        such as Node.js, JavaScript, REST   Prerequisite: Graduate status
        API and benefits and challenges                              CSE 511 - Advanced Ethical
        as well as tradeoffs for using the   The Big Data course focuses   Hacking and Penetration
        cloud services. The course will   on managing and processing,   Testing
        teach students how to utilize the   storing, and modeling massively   Credit hours: 3
        cloud services such IBM Cloud and   large, versatile, continuous, and
        Amazon (AWS). Other topics such as   heterogeneous data retrieved from   Prerequisite: Graduate status
        programming models (MapReduce   different sources including, for   This course introduces the
        and Hadoop), virtualization, storage,   instance, sensors, social media, web   fundamental concepts of ethical
        and distributed file systems will be   applications, ERP systems, mobile   hacking methodology, practical
        covered as well.              applications, transportation systems,   techniques, and ethics. The focus of
                                      and others. Acquiring, storing,   the course is to introduce students
        ITE 503 - Research Methods and   processing, modeling, and visualizing   to the methodology and tools
        Communications                this data encompass various    necessary in order to assess the
        Credit hours: 3               methods/techniques with many   security posture of the system under
        Prerequisite: Graduate status  challenges to be considered. The   study. The course utilizes Kali-Linux
                                      course walks the students through   and many other software tools that
        The main purpose of the Research   the Big Data process starting from   are usually used by a malicious
        Methods and Communications    data acquisition, and moving to   hacker to study the weaknesses and
        Course is to introduce students to   storage, processing, analytics, and   vulnerabilities of a target systems.
        the process of scientific research   visualization. Throughout the course
        and equip them with the necessary   the students will learn the concepts,   In this course the students
        knowledge and tools to formulate   techniques, tools, and frameworks   study the main phases of ethical
                                                                     hacking and penetration testing,

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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