Page 207 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 207


                                      associated with systems modeling   for selecting passive strategies
          Elective Courses            and simulation using contemporary   appropriate to local climate, site
                                      simulation software ARENA.     conditions and user needs. It will
                                                                     also introduce simple methods for
                                      ARC 620 - Efficient Building   assessing the effectiveness of design
                                      Systems                        decisions.
        MEM 504 - Quality Engineering
                                      Credit Hour: 3                 ARC 635 - Professional
        Credit Hour: 3                Prerequisite: Core Courses     Responsibilities in Sustainable
        Prerequisite: Core Courses    Completion                     Environmental Design
                                      This course investigates buildings   Credit Hour: 3
         This course covers statistical   and their systems to satisfy the   Prerequisite: Core Courses
        approaches such as regression,   requirements for a comfortable,   Completion
        design of experiment, non     healthy, and productive indoor
        parametric statistics, Taguchi   environment. It will focus on the   This course aims to expose graduate
        method, etc… that are useful to   influences of energy, human comfort,   students to the importance of
        Quality Engineering. It also covers   climate, context, heating, cooling and   understanding the history of the
        process and product quality; quality   water on the design of buildings and   notion of sustainable development
        assurance and standards (Six-  sites. The design of environmental   and design in order to assess the
        Sigma, Lean Engineering, ISO9000);   systems with continued emphasis   importance of concept and policies
        quality planning; quality control;   on day lighting, acoustics and design   attached to it. This course aims
        measurement and metrics, sampling   strategies for sustainability, and   also at helping students to have
        and quality audit, as well as process   issues of green construction relating   a careful overview of both large
        improvement. The project and   to energy in buildings.  Students   and small scales, in understanding
        assignments are key components   will use their individual building   environmental issues as well as
        of this course. These include quality   evaluations to develop a small area   societal and economic imperatives.
        systems design and management,   climate action plan as part of team   The overarching goal is to
        application of effective design for   assignment. This course explores   illustrate that it is the professional
        quality management standards,   the principles behind current low   responsibility of architects to act
        tools and techniques in real world   energy solutions, and deals with   as informed decision-makers
        organization. Ethical issues related   basic application information and   and provide planning and
        to sampling and quality audit and   strategies. Students will have an   design solutions to a number of
        process will be emphasized.   opportunity to extend their use of   environmental concerns. The course
                                      environmental design software. The   rely on debate around notion of
        MEM 506 - Operations Research   course is designed to complement   sustainable development, in different
        and Simulations               information provided in other   geographical contexts, in order to
        Credit Hour: 3                courses                        build on cases studies and theoretical
        Prerequisite: Core Courses    ARC 630 - Passive Design       approaches. Students will understand
                                                                     the need of continuously assimilate
        Completion                    Strategies                     information from various scientific
        This course covers computer   Credit Hour: 3                 disciplines in their professional
        simulation concepts and operations   Prerequisite: Core Courses   development
        research modeling techniques,   Completion
        including problem formulation and
        discrete event simulation modeling.   In this course students will learn how
        It include the formulation of   to arrange and integrate the form,
        mathematical models, solutions using   fabric and systems of a building to
        linear programming, sensitivity and   maximize the benefits of ambient
        cost analysis of developing alternative   sources and sinks of energy for
        optimum solutions, transportation   heating, lighting, ventilation and
        and network analysis, forecasting   cooling in order to achieve higher
        and stochastic modeling. The course   levels of human comfort and reduce
        includes case studies related to   the consumption of conventional
        the topic and a term project. It also   fuels and the emission of greenhouse
        applies the concepts and principles   gases. It will demonstrate techniques

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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