Page 206 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 206


        Rigidity of Soil- Structure System,   CIV 561– Construction Project   response to harmonic and periodic
        Relative Stiffness of Structure and   Management             excitations; response to pulse and
        Foundation Soil, Rigid Method,                               arbitrary excitations; emphasis on
        Non-rigid methods; Coefficient   Credit Hour: 3              response of single degree of freedom
        of Subgrade Reaction, Simplified   Prerequisite: Core Courses   systems; numerical evaluation of
        Elastic method, Finite Element   Completion                  dynamic response; introduction to
        Method, applications on STAAD                                earthquake response of linear and
        Foundation program and MIDAS   As technological integration and   nonlinear systems.
        GTS NX program. Deep Foundations;   construction complexity increase, so
        Axial Load Capacity from Static Load   do construction lead times. To stay   CIV508 - Durability, Monitoring,
        Test, Axial Load Capacity Based on   competitive companies have sought   and Rehabilitation of Concrete
        Analytical Methods, Group Effect,   to shorten the construction times   Structures
        Group Capacity. Settlement of Deep   of new infrastructure by managing   This course provides advanced
        Foundations, Load Settlement   construction development efforts   topics in the properties of cement
        Response, Load Transfer Curves,   effectively by using different project   and concrete as they relate to the
        t-z Curves. Lateral capacity of pile.   management tools. An introduction   mechanisms of degradation of
        Design of sheet pile walls. The course   to the management of international   concrete structures; to provide recent
        will use the software programs STAAD   construction projects with emphasis   developments regarding damage
        Foundation and MIDAS GTS NX   on international economics,    identification, repair materials
                                      marketing, contracts, design and
        CIV 531– Urban Transportation   specifications, and case studies. In   and strategies, and repair and
        Planning                      this course important aspects of   rehabilitation with composites.  The
                                                                     course will also familiarize students
        Credit Hour: 3                construction project management   with service life prediction and
                                      are taught
        Prerequisite: Core Courses                                   analysis using Life 365 software and
        Completion                    CIV 516 – Engineering Bridge   with techniques and procedures to
                                      Design                         monitor and evaluate with non-
        The course will analyze travel                               destructive methods concrete
        demand and transportation     Credit Hour: 3                 structures.  There is no formal
        network modeling and forecasting;   Prerequisite: Core Courses     laboratory component in this course.
        trip generation, distribution,   Completion                  However, site visits may be conducted
        modal choice, traffic assignment,                            for the inspection and evaluation
        technological characteristics   This course covers an overview of the   of existing damaged concrete
        and operation of modern transit   construction and design processes of   structures in the Abu Dhabi area
        and other movement systems;   selected highway bridges, materials
        sustainable transportation concepts;   of construction, and specifications.   CIV517 - Advanced Steel Design
        demonstration of computer     Design of superstructure and   This course is a continuation of
        applications related to transportation   substructure is addressed with   the undergraduate Structural
        planning.                     primary focus on the application of   Steel Design course.  At the end
                                      AASHTO LRFD specifications. The
        CIV 534– Public Transportation    course also covers some hydraulic   of the course students should be
                                                                     able to design bolted and welded
        Credit Hour: 3                and infrastructure aspects related   connections and composite (steel/
        Prerequisite: Core Courses    to highway bridge design. In depth   concrete) beams and columns.
                                      design aspects of prestressed-
        Completion                    girder superstructure bridges;   Students will also be introduced
                                                                     to plastic analysis of steel frames
        The course will present the current   fundamentals of cable-stayed   to determine failure modes and
        technological and engineering   bridges, and basics of segmental   corresponding ultimate capacity
        aspects of public transportation   post-tensioned bridges also be   of steel structural systems.
        systems; the data collection   covered.                      Furthermore, students will learn to
        techniques; vehicle and right-of-  CIV511 -  Structural Dynamics I  use commercial software to analyze
        way characteristics; capacity and                            and design steel structural systems.
        operating strategies; developing   A first course in structural dynamics
        timetables for transit systems;   with emphasis on single degree of
        passenger demand analysis;    freedom systems. The course covers
        analyzing the performance of public   the development of equations of
        transportation system; advanced   motion for damped and undamped
        public transportation systems  systems; free vibration response;

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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