Page 197 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 197


        certain theme. Once admitted to
        this phase, a student undertakes,
        over several terms, independent
        research under the guidance of a
        primary advisor and/ or an advisory
        committee (consisting of members
        from internal and/ or external
        constituencies). The starting point is
        the successfully defended research
        proposal. This typically provides the
        background work and yields the first
        components of the dissertation. The
        research question is fine-tuned at this
        point and the research plan is firmed
        up. Data collection instruments and
        procedures are readied and put into
        play, after proper validation. The
        collected data are now analyzed and
        appropriate conclusions drawn. All
        these are written up into a draft and
        submitted for review to the advisory
        committee. After one or more rounds
        of review and revision, a decision
        is made on the acceptability of the
        reported research. If this is positive,
        an oral defense is held. Success here
        leads eventually to the conferring of
        the DBA degree.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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