Page 195 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 195
the meaning of naturally occurring practical experience necessary comprehension of the intricacies
phenomena in the social world. The in understanding and designing inherent in leading transformative
course examines the choice of a data quantitative research. initiatives, with a focal point on
collection strategy that reflects the integrating theoretical knowledge
complexity and distance of the data. METH 3B - Quantitative with evidence-based decision-
Issues of data collection are reviewed Methods for Research II making.
in terms of direct and indirect Credit Hour: 3
observations. A process of analysis is Prerequisite: METH 3A MGMT 2 - Seminar in Strategic
considered that deals with both the Management
attributes of variables and the culture This course, as the second segment Credit Hour: 3
domain of the analysis. Finding of a two-course series, emphasizes Prerequisite: No Prerequisite
themes, the selection and use of the practical application of advanced
code books and the representation quantitative methods in business This course is designed to equip
of data is included. The use of profile research. It focuses on data students with advanced knowledge
and proximity matrices is developed processing, intricate modeling, and skills in strategic management.
as a tool of analytical reasoning and comprehensive inferential This course delves into cutting-edge
to add meaning to the data. The analysis. Key concepts covered theories, frameworks, and empirical
importance of conceptual models include correlation and both simple research related to formulating and
is considered as a way of providing and multiple regression models, implementing effective organizational
further understanding of the data. in addition to in-depth exploration strategies. Students engage
An analytical frame is introduced of topics such as exploratory and in in-depth discussions, critical
that considers the units of analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, along analysis, and synthesis of strategic
the attributes of the data, levels of with the practical application of management literature, emphasizing
measurement, aggregation and structural equation modeling. the integration of theory and
comparison. The use of keywords in Throughout this course, students practice. The course explores
narrative analysis, grounded theory, develop a comprehensive proficiency contemporary issues in business
schema analysis, analytic induction that harmonizes a robust theoretical strategy, such as competitive
and ethnographic decision models foundation with hands-on practical advantage, innovation, sustainability
are discussed. Since qualitative experience, equipping them with and corporate governance, and
research is not a linear process, this the essential knowledge and skills global strategic management.
course emphasizes iteration and needed for advanced quantitative Students are encouraged to further
refinement that consists of study analysis. develop their research skills by
redesign, additional data gathering MGMT 1 - Management of designing and conducting original
and further re-analysis. case studies that contribute to the
Change and Innovation field. Through a combination of
METH 3A - Quantitative theoretical exploration and practical
Methods for Research I - Design Credit Hour: 3 application, participants emerge with
Prerequisite: COMM 1
Credit Hour: 3 a comprehensive understanding of
Prerequisite: METH 1 This course explores advanced strategic management principles,
concepts and methodologies in preparing them to make significant
This course is the first of a two-course the Management of Change and scholarly contributions in the
sequence on the use of quantitative Innovation within organizational business world.
methods in business research. It settings. Employing a rigorous
focuses primarily on research design academic approach, students delve MGMT 3 - Leadership
and data collection. The student into dominant theories to cultivate Credit Hour: 3
will learn various design methods a comprehensive understanding Prerequisite: COMM 1
that differ in purpose (such as of the inherent complexities in
exploratory vs. descriptive), modality guiding transformative initiatives. This course considers the concept
(such as survey vs. experiment and Emphasis is placed on the interplay of leadership from a senior
interview vs. questionnaire), scope between change, innovation, and management perspective using
(such as longitudinal vs. cross- effective management, fostering both theoretical and practical
sectional); measurement issues and an exploration of organizational viewpoints . Traditionally, the concept
instrument development; sampling dynamics and the development of of leadership has been viewed as
strategies; use of secondary data, strategic perspectives for effecting something a manager does in order
etc. The student will acquire both positive change. The course is also to enable his or her subordinates to
the theoretical foundation and the designed to impart a thorough do their jobs effectively. This course
Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025