Page 200 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 200


        organizations provide financial                              management will produce a series
        information to their external   Master of                    of deliverables. These deliverables
        stakeholders (e.g., shareholders,                            include the project charter, project
        creditors, governmental agencies,   Project                  plan, and preliminary project scope
        customers) for both informational                            statement.
        and decision making purposes.  This   Management
        course is designed to be consistent                          MPM 531 - Project Management
        with this purpose and involves                               Professionalis
        the study of the foundations of
        accounting methods and systems,   Core Courses               Credit Hour:  3
        including transaction analysis, the                          Pre-requisite: MEM 501
        accrual system of accounting, the                            This course articulates an ethical
        process of income measurement,   MEM 501 - Project Management   framework for Project Managers by
        and the construction and analysis                            critically reflecting on their roles,
        of financial statements. The primary   Credit Hour:  3       duties, and practice.  This course
        focus of the course will be on the   Pre-requisite: No Prerequisite  examines the ethical challenges
        users of accounting information. This   This course covers the elements   that confront Project Mangers in
        course assumes no prior accounting   of project management critical   the engineering and technology
        knowledge.                    to the success of engineering   industries, especially those working
                                      projects: project management   within large organizations.  This
                                      framework, project selection and   course considers issues such
                                      initiation, project organization, scope   as the social responsibility of
                                      management, time management,   engineers, project directors, and
                                      cost management, resource      program managers, truth-telling
                                      management, risk management,   and disclosure, whistle-blowing,
                                      tradeoffs, and project closing. The   professionalism, and risk-assessment.
                                      course also integrates and clarifies   Through case study, this course will
                                      the practices and software tools used   provide the tools to evaluate ethical
                                      in project management through a   decisions in the field of engineering
                                      team project and case studies from a   and technology projects.
                                      variety of disciplines.
                                                                     MPM 541 - Project Contract
                                      MPM 521 - Project Planning,    Management and Legal Aspects
                                      Integration & Scope            Credit Hour:  3
                                      Management                     Pre-requisite:  No Prerequisite

                                      Credit Hour:  3                This course presents legal aspects of
                                      Pre-requisite: No Prerequisite  contract documents, specifications;
                                                                     owner-service provider relationships
                                      This course studies the techniques   and responsibilities; bids and
                                      for planning, integrating and   contract performance; labor laws;
                                      controlling the scope of multiple   governmental administrative
                                      projects run within the same   and regulatory agencies; torts;
                                      organization. Those projects   business organizations; ethics
                                      could be commissioned within the   and professionalism. This course
                                      organization and implemented with   presents contract terminology and
                                      the resources of the organization.   conventions through engineering
                                      The concepts and techniques are   and technical problems.  An in-depth
                                      equally applicable to outsourced or   comprehension of the complexities
                                      subcontracted projects. Integration   of professional liability, project
                                      management is an element       contracts, and contract law shall be
                                      of project management that     emphasized, as well as an awareness
                                      coordinates all aspects of a project.   and comprehension of the ethical
                                      Project integration, when properly   implications of engineering and
                                      performed, ensures that all processes   construction.
                                      in a project run smoothly. Integration

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