Page 199 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 199


        Forecasting Demand, Production                               problems. This course explains
        Planning, Inventory Controls, Lean   Electives/ Engineering   the whole process of strategy
        Philosophy and techniques, and                               formulation, implementation,
        Transportation and Distribution in   Management Basket       evaluation, control, and strategic
        different types of organizations. It                         issues. The course is mainly case-
        also covers the role of advances   MEM 508 - Engineering Risk   and discussion-oriented. Real
        in technologies and electronic                               case studies will be presented and
        commerce in coordinating the supply   Management             active participation in discussions is
        chain of a product from the point of   Credit Hour: 3        expected. A project related to one
        origin to the point of consumption.                          of the course topics will be assigned
        The course helps students develop   Prerequisite: No Prerequisite  to each group of students and
        the quantitative and analytical skills   This course introduces approaches   presented at the end of the course.
        to analyze, model and solve supply   and concepts to risk managements
        chain problems. The course is based   for systems engineering. It covers   ACC 522 - Advanced Managerial
        on a mixture of lectures and case   risk identification, risk analysis, risk   Accounting
        discussions.                  assessment, strategies development   Credit Hour: 3
        MEM 510 - Innovation and      to manage it, and applications of   Prerequisite: ACC 482 -PC
        Entrepreneurship              risk management for engineering
                                      companies. Students will learn   This course focuses on the use of
        Credit Hour:  3               how to determine the quantitative   accounting information as a tool in
        Prerequisites: No Prerequisite  and/or qualitative value of risk   the planning and control of business
                                      related to a concrete situation and   organizations from a management
        This course focuses on coverage   a recognized threat. A case study   perspective. The orientation of the
        of the topics of managing     from real industries (e.g., General   course is to analyze and evaluate
        technological innovations and   Motors) is used to illustrate the risk   management accounting information
        creating successful organizations.   management phases of systems   from the perspective of senior
        It aims at providing rich exposure   engineering.            management using case study. In
        to the students on management                                light of the course description, the
        of innovation in manufacturing                               primary objective of the course is to
        and information technologies. It                             provide the necessary framework
        also explains how to become an                               to understand and be able to apply
        entrepreneurial leader by defining   Electives/ System       and use management accounting
        and developing opportunities and   Management & Business     information. Consistent with this
        bringing together the resources                              orientation, the list of topics covered
        and capabilities needed to make                              in this course includes an overview of
        it happen. Topics covered include:   MGT 523 - Strategic     managerial accounting; the role and
        disruptive technologies, strategic   Management              function of accounting information
        management of technology, new                                in corporate governance; accounting
        product development, technological   Credit Hour: 3          information as a managerial tool, cost
        change management, corporate                                 concepts and behaviors, an overview
        entrepreneurship and innovation,   Prerequisite: Last Semester  of cost systems; incremental costing
        diffusion of innovation, and chain of   This course covers the determination   and its application for short and long-
        innovation activities. The knowledge   of the strategic direction of the   term decision making; capital and
        and skills acquired in this course   firm and management of strategic   operational budgeting; issues related
        will be applied in a term project that   processes in the firm. The course   to effective management control, and
        includes, as an essential component   draws on and integrates concepts   financial statements analysis from a
        of the project, the ethical issues   from the functional areas (i.e.   managerial accounting perspective.
        related to intellectual properties   finance, accounting, management,
        of innovative ideas. The project   management information systems)   ACC 482-PC - Financial
        will be presented at the end of the   in the analysis and resolution of   Accounting
        semester                      complex business situations. It   Credit Hour:  2
                                      also discusses the integration
                                      of environmental factors and   Prerequisites: No Prerequisite
                                      organizational functions in the   Financial accounting and reporting
                                      analysis and solution of management   is the primary medium by which

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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