Page 202 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 202


        Theme 2: Project Logistics &   to analyze, model and solve supply   examples to illustrate the application
        Quality Management            chain problems.                of Financial Management in practical
                                                                     situations. Furthermore use of
        MEM 504 - Quality Engineering                                Internet and software is highly
        Credit Hour:  3                                              recommended.
                                       Management & Business
        Prerequisite: Knowledge in basic                             Theme 2: Project HR Management
        statistics*                    Requirement Basket            & Leadership
        This course covers basic and                                 HRM 517 - Human Resource
        advanced quality concepts and   Theme 1: Project Economics &
        methods including statistical   Finance                      Management
        approaches that are used in Quality                          Credit Hour:  3
        Engineering such as SPC, Process   MEM 502 - Advanced        Prerequisite: No Prerequisite
        Capability, and Experimental Design.   Engineering Economics                                                                       This course provides a framework
        It also covers process and product   Credit Hour:  3         for understanding and thinking
        quality tools; quality assurance   Prerequisite: GEN 484-PC  strategically about employment
        methods and standards such as                                relations and the management of
        QFD, ISO9000 and Six-Sigma, quality   This course covers the theory and   human resources in organizations.
        planning and control, quality awards,   application of engineering economics   The course draws on insights from
        and continuous improvement. The   principles and methods. It studies   the social sciences to explore how
        project and assignments are key   techniques for engineering economic   economic, social, psychological,
        components of this course. These   analysis for decision making,   legal, and cultural forces influence
        include quality systems design and   evaluations of economic alternatives,   employment relations. Specific topics
        management, application of effective   capital budgeting and money   include an overview of recruitment
        design for quality management   management, depreciation and   and selection; performance
        standards, quality tools and   taxes, cost estimation, multi-attribute   evaluation; compensation and
        techniques in real world organization,   decision making, and advanced asset   benefits; promotion, job design;
        and ethical issues related to sampling   replacement analysis. It also covers   training; layoffs; retention and
        and quality audit and assurance  the principles of corporate finance   turnover; and the human resource
        *A course in statistics in the   and investment science such as   implications of various strategies.
        undergraduate study or passing a   cash flow streams, handling project
                                      uncertainly, investment worth, pricing
        statistics challenge test.    of firms, and finance instruments,   MGT 522 - Leadership and
        MEM 511 - Operations & Supply   interest rate term structure, fixed
        Chain Management              income instruments duration, etc.  Credit Hour:  3
                                                                     Prerequisite: No Prerequisite
        Credit Hour:  3               FIN 512 - Financial Management
        Prerequisite: Completing 18 CHs  Credit Hour:  3             Leadership is an essential ingredient
        This course covers the major   Prerequisite:  GEN 484-PC* + ACC   in any attempt to achieve collective
                                                                     goals. The process of leadership
        issues in operations and supply   482-PC*                    depends on the interaction
        chain management including their   This course explores the optimal   in the group or organization.
        individual components and their   management of the firm’s assets   Communication is the central
        interrelationships. It is mainly focused   and financing requirements,   ingredient in effective leadership and
        on Capacity Planning, Procurement,   analysis of financial statements,   followership. Therefore, the course
        Forecasting Demand, Production   financial markets, risk, valuation,   will explore the connection between
        Planning, Inventory Controls, Lean   long term and short term financing   communication and leadership.
        Philosophy and techniques, and   and investment. Upon completion   Particularly, we will examine how the
        Transportation and Distribution in   of this subject the student should   field of communication contributes
        different types of organizations. It   be able to assess the important   to effective leadership. This course
        also covers the role of advances   elements of Financial Management   will give you the chance to learn the
        in technologies and electronic   in a wide range of areas. The nature   styles of leadership including what
        commerce in coordinating the supply   of the decision process and the   works and what doesn’t. The course
        chain of a product from the point of   role that economic analysis plays   also covers all the research for the
        origin to the point of consumption.   are emphasized throughout this   last century or so on leadership. Case
        The course helps students develop   course that uses a wide variety of   studies are key components of this
        the quantitative and analytical skills

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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