Page 196 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 196


        considers leadership in terms of   into the principles of quantitative   that a student will come into this
        a body of knowledge and practice   analysis, decision models, and   course with a research topic, the
        within an organizational context  of   statistical methodologies, with a   methodology and an advisor already
        empowerment and change. The   strong emphasis on the utilization   identified in advance. The course
        course defines leadership and   of quantitative data to make well-  will be offered as an independent
        covers the necessary traits of a   informed, rational decisions across   study under the guidance of the
        leader, studies leadership process,   various managerial domains,   research advisor and/or an advisory
        and reviews assigned and emergent   including operations, supply   committee. Upon successful
        schools of thought on leadership.   chain management, finance, and   completion of the course, the student
        In addition to that, the natures of   marketing. By mastering these   will be certified ready to undertake
        leadership skills are detailed and a   quantitative methods, students will   the DBA dissertation work (provided
        number of contemporary approaches   acquire the essential skills to enhance   that he/she is otherwise qualified)
        to leadership studies are reviewed,   the quality and effectiveness of their   or an independent research work of
        which include the style, situational   decision- making processes in real-  similar magnitude.
        and contingency approach. Finally,   world professional contexts and to
        an understanding of the practice of   carry out research within this domain.  Phase II
        leadership is developed using a case
        study approach to model particular   MGMT 6 - Global Issues in   COMM 2 - Dissertation Writing
        leadership styles matched to specific   Business
        organizational situations.    Credit Hour:  3                Credit Hour:  3
                                                                     Prerequisite: Admission to Phase II
        MGMT 4 - Seminar in           Prerequisite: COMM 1
        Organization Theory & Behavior  This course offers a comprehensive   This course will be taken by the
                                                                     student after he/she has successfully
        Credit Hour:  3               exploration of global challenges   completed the DBA coursework
        Prerequisite: COMM 1          intersecting with business leadership.   requirements, written and defended
                                      Students will examine issues such   his/her research proposal, and  been
        A seminar that focuses on     as population dynamics, poverty,   admitted to the dissertation phase
        contemporary theories and practices   food security, energy transitions,   of the DBA program. It will familiarize
        in organization theory and behavior.   communication technologies,   him/her with the minutiae of the
        In this seminar, four research themes   transportation systems, economic   dissertation process, and prepare
        from the aforementioned theoretical   globalization, socio-cultural   him/her for writing (and eventually
        framework literature will be selected   transformations, sustainable resource   defending) the final dissertation
        and then each will be critiqued using   management, environmental   document. It is expected that at the
        relevant research literature.  stewardship, public health,   end of this course, the student will
                                      education, and emerging business
        MGMT 5 - Managerial Decision   models. Through rigorous analysis   have drafted the first few chapters
        Making                        of contemporary research and   of his/her dissertation. The course
                                                                     will be administered on a Pass/Fail
        Credit Hour:  3               case studies, students will develop   basis, the student’s performance will
        Prerequisite: COMM 1          advanced analytical skills to identify   be evaluated jointly by the course
                                      connections across diverse domains.   instructor and his/her research
        This course offers an exploration   Emphasis will be on fostering
        of systematic and data-driven   interdisciplinary perspectives and   advisor.
        approaches utilized by managers   innovative strategies for addressing   RSCH 2: Dissertation
        and professionals to optimize   complex global challenges in
        decision-making processes. Students   business. Students will engage in   Credit Hour:  24
        will thoroughly examine decision-  critical discourse to evaluate real-  Prerequisite: Admission to Phase II
        making strategies, processes,   time global developments and their   This course represents the final
        theories, and research. Through   impact on business practices.  phase of the DBA program. The
        critical analysis, case studies, and                         dissertation is composed of three
        practical exercises, students will   RSCH 1 - Research Proposal  refereed journal articles related
        develop the skills necessary to   Credit Hour:  3            to the same topic of research. The
        navigate the complexities of real-  Prerequisite: METH 2B, METH 3B  articles must be based on research
        world decision-making challenges,                            completed by the DBA candidate
        enhancing their effectiveness as   This course is the capstone of the   while enrolled in Abu Dhabi
        informed, ethical, and strategic   coursework leading to the DBA   University. The three publishable-
        decision-makers. The course delves   dissertation research. It is expected   quality articles must be around a

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