Page 194 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 194


        senior managers will be clarified.                           research is an essential skill.
        Models for multicultural team   Doctor of                    This course is the foundational
        effectiveness will be developed that                         component of the DBA program,
        foster the synergistic resolution   Business                 providing a structured introduction
        of organizational issues and                                 to the philosophy and complexities of
        problems enhancing the delivery   Administration             business research. It equips doctoral
        of valid strategic decisions. The                            students with the fundamental skills
        course content relates issues of                             and knowledge needed to begin
        sustainability and teamwork with the   Phase I               their research journey. The course
        economic, social and environmental                           acknowledges the significant role
        systems ensuring that senior                                 research plays in guiding business
        managers have a collective team   COMM 1 - Communication and   decisions, shaping strategies, and
        view regarding issues of efficiency,   Leadership            achieving organizational success.
        social equity and environmental                              Throughout the course, students
        accountability. The course allows   Credit Hour:  3          will embark on a transformative
        for the coaching of students both   Prerequisite: Admission to DBA   journey, building proficiency in
        as team leaders and team players.   Program                  various aspects of business research
        Course members will pursue and   In this course in Communication and   methodology.
        experience this goal of synergistic   Leadership, the primary objective
        team performance in simulated and   is to facilitate the development of   METH 2A - Qualitative Methods
        action learning projects.     advanced communication skills   for Research I - Design
        MSL 599 - Thesis in Leadership  and a deep understanding of their   Credit Hour:  3
                                                                     Prerequisite: METH 1
        Credit Hour:  6               significance within the domain of
                                      leadership. This course goes beyond
        Prerequisite: Last Semester   basic communication proficiency,   This course, designed specifically
        The goal of this course is to apply   equipping students with the   to equip students with the tools to
                                                                     delve into the rich tapestry of human
        the student’s research skills and   ability to effectively convey both   experience, focuses on qualitative
        familiarity with the challenges faced   fundamental and advanced research   research. Qualitative research
        by leaders so that the student can   concepts in the complex field of   prioritizes understanding meaning
        propose a project based approach   leadership. Moreover, it seeks to   over mere quantification. The course
        to address one of those challenges.   elucidate the intrinsic relationship   explores how researchers collaborate
        The type and nature of the project   between communication and   with participants to gather in-depth,
        are to be arranged between the   leadership excellence, instilling a   descriptive data. Throughout the
        student and the faculty. These two   comprehensive perspective on the   course, students will gain a strong
        parties must agree on a topic and as   dynamics of leadership. The course   foundation in various qualitative
        a minimum requirement, the student   places significant emphasis on   approaches, including narrative
        must define the project problem and   nurturing critical thinking, enhancing   research, phenomenology, grounded
        its magnitude, conduct a literature   written communication skills,   theory, ethnography, and the case
        review that covers the classic and   refining presentation techniques,   study. Students will develop the skills
        emerging methods and techniques   and promoting collaborative   to craft clear and focused research
        in addressing the problem, and   teamwork. These competencies   questions and devise effective data
        propose a systematic approach to   are cultivated within the specific   collection strategies using interviews,
        address the problem. Students are   context of management research,   observations, and document analysis.
        to work on their project at a steady   leadership principles, and persuasive
        pace over one semesters to complete   communication          METH 2B - Qualitative Methods
        all requirements and submit it for                           for Research II - Analysis
        evaluation. While developing the   METH 1 - Introduction to
        appropriate sections of the project,   Business Research     Credit Hour:  3
                                                                     Prerequisite: METH 2A
        students are expected to utilize the   Credit Hour: 3
        knowledge and skills they acquired   Co-requisite: COMM1     This course covers qualitative
        while taking all their courses                               research methods at the stage
        in the MSL program, especially   In a rapidly changing business   of data analysis. Such analysis
        the Research Methods and the   world where innovative solutions   is intended to cover an array of
        Contemporary Issues in Leadership   are constantly sought, the ability   interpretative techniques which will
        courses.                      to conduct rigorous and impactful   seek to describe and determine

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