Page 192 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 192


        Master of                     to engage their followers and secure   qualitative research and considers
                                                                     a multi-method approach as a
                                      maximum contribution to their plans.
        Strategic                     This course is designed to help senior   more balanced way to achieve a
                                                                     pragmatic research methodology
                                      managers understand their potential
                                      to convey powerful messages and
                                                                     that can ultimately be useful for the
        Leadership                    to critically analyze the impact of   business practitioner. The students
                                      the media and pressure groups on
                                                                     will be also introduced to emerging
                                      stakeholders and organizational   topics such big data and analytics.
         Core Courses                 strategy, and to develop innovative   This course places special emphasis
                                      ways of using the media to best   on developing an understanding of
                                      effect.                        ethical principles in research, namely
        MSL 500 - Strategic Dimensions   The course will lean heavily on Fourth   the issues related to plagiarism,
        of Business Functions         Quadrant Thinking, namely, that the   rights of human subjects in relation
                                                                     to privacy and no harm inflicted, data
        Credit Hour:  3               most successful organizations are   protection and the importance of
        Prerequisite: No Prerequisite  not those that focus on performance,   sound research for decision making.
                                      but those that invest considerable
        This course is designed to provide   effort on developing a meaningful   MSL 525 - Leading
        students with a foundation on the   or purposeful culture. The values   Organizational Change
        strategic dimensions of the key   of the organization and its leaders,
        business functions. The course   the ethical framework under which   Credit Hour:  3
        is offered with an assumption   it operates are the keys to success.   Prerequisite: MSL 514
        that the target students are   This course will help you identify   This course provides students with
        experienced senior level managers,   how best to use your self-awareness
        and are familiar with the roles and   and communication skills to lead   an understanding of the theories and
                                                                     practice associated with leadership
        responsibilities of various functional   others in socially responsible ways.
        units of business operations such as   It includes topics such as convincing   and organizational change. The first
                                                                     part of this course focuses on change
        Finance and Accounting, Marketing,   others of the need for major change,   and change management. Topics
        and Human Resource Management,   activating corporate values, driving
        and therefore this course does not   employee engagement, dealing with   covered include the nature of change,
                                                                     drivers of change, dimensions of
        teach students the operational details   major public relations issues and the
        of these functional units. Instead,   importance of aligning your values   change, organizational context
                                                                     within which change is implemented,
        the course aims to provide a clear   with the corporate values to ensure   change management process, as well
        picture on the nature and complexity   ethical leadership.
        of various functional aspects, and                           as the role of various organizational
                                                                     and environmental factors in change
        their impact on organizational   MSL 524 - Research Methods in
        decision making at a strategic level.   Business             management. The main goal of this
                                                                     first part of the course is to equip
        In addition, the course also intends   Credit Hour: 3        students with a deep understanding
        to demonstrate the importance of
        research skills and the use of data   Prerequisite: MSL 500  of what change is and the dynamics
                                                                     of change.  The second part of this
        for managerial decision making.   This course is designed for the
        This course provides an important   business researcher or professional    course focuses on leadership in the
                                                                     context of change management.
        foundation to the whole programme   in order to make choices about   This part examines various strategic
        by helping students identify a   how to handle the most important
        suitable topic for further research.  business variables and how to study   approaches to managing change as
                                                                     well as specific leadership responses
        MSL 522 - Leadership and      them. Business research design   to change. Students will learn such
                                      usually takes the form of statistical
        Communication                 research, survey research, case   essential leadership competencies
        Credit Hour:  3               studies, experimental research or   as influence, conceptual thinking
        Prerequisite: MSL 500         meta–analysis. The course examines   and systems thinking. All of these
                                                                     competencies are considered to be
                                      specific issues relating to business
        Sophisticated communication skills   research projects in terms of   essential for initiating, managing,
        are critical to effective strategic   formulating research questions,   and implementing change within
        leadership. Successful leaders                               organizations. This part of the course
        understand the needs of their   collection of data, analysis and   also gives students an opportunity to
                                      recommendations. The course
        followers and are able to lock into   examines both quantitative and   assess their leadership potential in
        powerful channels of communication                           terms of identifying their leadership
        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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