Page 201 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 201


        MPM 561 - Project Scheduling                                 and information technologies. It
        and Time Management            Project Management            also explains how to become an
                                                                     entrepreneurial leader by defining
        Credit Hour:  3                Elective Basket               and developing opportunities and
        Pre-requisite: MEM 501                                       bringing together the resources
        The course teaches how to design   Theme 1: Managing Innovation &   and capabilities needed to make
        and build schedules from the basic   Technology Projects     it happen. Topics covered include:
        building blocks (WBS, method                                 disruptive technologies, strategic
        statements, work productivity,   MPM 571 - E-tools for Project   management of technology, new
        and work logic) of projects using   Management               product development, technological
        a variety of graphical techniques   Credit Hour:  3          change management, corporate
        including PDM, Bar charts, CPM   Prerequisite: MEM 501       entrepreneurship and innovation,
        and PERT. It also covers scheduling                          diffusion of innovation, and chain of
        techniques such as the critical chain   This course introduces electronic   innovation activities. The knowledge
        methodology and the Line of Balance   technologies that have been   and skills acquired in this course
        for repetitive work. There will be   advancing our capability to manage   will be applied in a term project that
        a focus on resource constrained   greater more information for   includes, as an essential component
        scheduling and techniques to   projects. New project environments   of the project, the ethical issues
        schedule projects based on the   are more complex and chaotic   related to intellectual properties of
        availability of limited resources.   than before, and this encourages   innovative ideas. The project will be
        Other topics include project schedule   us to move towards new E tools   presented at the end of the semester.
        crashing/acceleration, and delay   that enable us to manage change,
        analysis for claims. A study of the   communicate critical data, and deliver
        relationship between schedules and   quality project work more efficiently.
        cost, and the use of schedules in the   Web-based project management;
        Earned Value Analysis is covered as   Enterprise Resource Planning,
        well.                         broadband wireless internet;
                                      smart tablets and communication
        MPM 581 - Project Costing and   tools; GIS, virtual teams, RFID for
        Financial Management          supply chain management; Project
                                      Management Simulation Games,
        Credit Hour:  3               Wikis, Discussion boards; mind
        Pre-requisite: MEM 501        mapping; scheduling software;
        This course investigates two   document management software; E
        interrelated topics; Finance and   commerce perspectives; knowledge
        costing for projects. In the finance   management and E learning will be
        part, course reviews and analyzes   included in the discussions. Copyright
        financing structures, schemes, and   and patent issues are also discussed
        options for projects. In the costing   as well as the ethical dilemmas that
        part course studies the methods of   arise from using E tools and how to
        developing project estimates during   address them.
        the planning stages, and updating   MEM 510 - Innovation and
        the estimates throughout the project   Entrepreneurship
        life cycle. Tools and techniques used
        in monitoring, reporting, controlling,   Credit Hour:  3
        and managing project cost and   Prerequisite: No
        procedures used in managing project   Prerequisite
        resources to optimize cost of the
        project are discussed. Relationships   This course focuses on coverage
        between project cost and other   of the topics of managing
        project parameters including scope,   technological innovations for
        time, quality, procurement and risk   products and services and creating
        are discussed.                successful organizations. It aims
                                      at providing rich exposure to
                                      the students on management
                                      of innovation in manufacturing

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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