Page 198 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 198



        Master of                     uncertainly, investment worth, pricing   the topic and a term project. It also
                                      of firms, and finance instruments,
                                                                     applies the concepts and principles
        Engineering                   interest rate term structure, fixed   associated with systems modeling
                                                                     and simulation using contemporary
                                      income instruments duration, etc.
                                                                     simulation software ARENA.
        Management                    MEM 504 - Quality Engineering   MEM 509 - Information
                                      Credit Hour:  3                Technology Management
                                      Prerequisite: Knowledge of basic   Credit Hour:  3
          Core Courses                statistics                     Prerequisite: No Prerequisite
                                      This course covers basic and   This course develops an
        MEM 501 - Project Management  advanced quality concepts and   understanding across organizations
                                      methods including statistical   of tight relations that exist in the
        Credit Hour:  3               approaches that are used in Quality   development, implementation
        Prerequisite: No Prerequisite     Engineering such as SPC, Process   and application of information
                                      Capability, and Experimental Design.   and communication technology. It
        This course covers the elements   It also covers process and product
        of project management critical   quality tools; quality assurance   covers the management facets of IT
        to the success of engineering   methods and standards such as   project lifecycle from initial need and
        projects: project management   QFD, ISO9000 and Six-Sigma, quality   justification through implementation
        framework, project selection and   planning and control, quality awards,   and organizational management
        initiation, project organization, scope   and continuous improvement. The   to installation and integration with
        management, time management,   project and assignments are key   existing systems to information
        cost management, resource     components of this course. These   management to deployment and
        management, risk management,   include quality systems design and   organizational changes necessary
        tradeoffs, and project closing. The   management, application of effective   to get business value. Design and
        course also integrates and clarifies   design for quality management   implementation of IT architecture
        the practices and software tools used   standards, quality tools and   and IT governance, and Web Services
        in project management through a   techniques in real world organization,   and Business Process Management
        team project and case studies from a   and ethical issues related to sampling   will be also covered. The course is
                                                                     mainly case-and discussion-oriented.
        variety of disciplines.       and quality audit and assurance.  Real case studies will typically be
        MEM 502 - Advanced            MEM 506 - Operations Research   assigned. Rigorous preparation of
        Engineering Economics         & Simulation                   cases and active participation in
        Credit Hour:  3               Credit Hour:  3                discussions is expected. Ethical issues
                                                                     related to creating and managing an
        Prerequisite: COE 202         Prerequisite:  No Prerequisite  IT infrastructure in an organization
        This course covers the theory and   This course covers computer   will be emphasized in the case
        application of engineering economics   simulation concepts and operations
        principles and methods. It studies   research modeling techniques,   MEM 511 - Operations & Supply
        techniques for engineering economic   including problem formulation and   Chain Management
        analysis for decision making,   discrete event simulation modeling.
        evaluations of economic alternatives,   It include the formulation of   Credit Hour:  3
        capital budgeting and money   mathematical models, solutions using   Prerequisites: Completing 15 CHs
        management, depreciation and   linear programming, sensitivity and
        taxes, cost estimation, multi-attribute   cost analysis of developing alternative   This course covers the major
        decision making, and advanced asset   optimum solutions, transportation   issues in operations and supply
        replacement analysis. It also covers   and network analysis, forecasting   chain management including their
        the principles of corporate finance   and stochastic modeling. The course   individual components and their
        and investment science such as   includes case studies related to   interrelationships. It is mainly focused
        cash flow streams, handling project                          on Capacity Planning, Procurement,

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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