Page 193 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 193


        strengths and opportunities for   MSL 514 - Organizational   course will help students to develop
        development around the following   Behavior                  sustainable leadership skills and
        five competencies: focused drive,                            competencies  through real-life
        emotional intelligence, building trust   Credit Hour:  3     scenarios.
        and enabling others, conceptual   Prerequisite: MSL 500
        thinking, and systems thinking. This   This course provides a framework   MSL 502 - Leading and Building
        leadership self-assessment allows the   for understanding the values,   High Performing Teams
        students to continue their personal   attitudes and behaviors of individuals   Credit Hour:  3
        development in relation to leadership   and groups in an organizational   Prerequisite: MSL 514
        and change management skills after   setting. This course explains how
        finishing this course. Ultimately,   individuals and groups function   This course delivers knowledge and
        this course prepares students to   to achieve goals and the reasons   insights into Leading and Building
        lead and manage change in their   for success or failure in achieving   High Performance Teams. Such a
        organizations.                these goals. Specific topics covered   process is considered as one of
                                                                     the most important and complex
        MSL 501 -  Developing a Leader   in this course include: theoretical   challenges facing any strategic
        Within You                    foundations of organizational   leader. The course is experiential and
                                      behavior; personality and individual   theoretical in terms of representing
        Credit Hour:  3               differences; the impact of values,   an opportunity to be part of a real
        Prerequisite: MSL 522         attitudes, and job satisfaction on   time team building experience
                                      organizational behavior; motivational
        This course is designed for business   theories; group dynamics and   and reflecting on the academic
        leaders with direct experience   decision making; communication   foundation of such experience.
        of managing teams who wish to   and leadership; power, politics, and   The course will consider a range
        develop their leadership skills   influence within an organizational   of theories and conceptual models
        to inspire others to ‘exceptional   context; organizational design and its   about the nature of teamwork. It
        performance’. The course aims to   role in achieving organizational goals.   provides an understanding that
        improve on the existing knowledge,   The course emphasizes practical   strategic leaders need to direct
        skills and attitudes (KSA) necessary   applications of concepts, theories   and coordinate team problem
        to lead and motivate people, while   and frameworks in the workplace.   solving, provide performance
        developing effective strategies in a   By doing so, this course prepares   expectations, clarify roles, assist in
        socially responsible manner. It aims   students to manage behavior of   conflict resolution, provide feedback,
        to help you become an ‘authentic’,   individuals and groups within an   facilitate self-correction, increase task
        well-rounded ethical leader. The   organization in order to achieve the   involvement and share information
        course uses the latest thinking in   organizational goals.   and goal setting. Strategic leadership
        the use of psychometric tools for                            involves an ability of the senior
        leadership development. Working   MSL 503 - Contemporary Issues   management team to supply critical
        with skilled coaches, students will   in Leadership          thinking, identify changes and
        be given the opportunity to analyze                          reprioritize organisational resources
        their own personality dimensions, to   Credit Hour:  3       in the light of ongoing change. Such
        identify the most critical components   Prerequisite: MSL 522  leadership capabilities at this senior
        of their personality and to apply this   Leadership is a glue that holds the   level in the organization need to
        to gain a deeper understanding of   organization together. It makes   be grounded in sustainability such
        their leadership effectiveness. Only   employees give his/her best to   that the team process assumes
        through a deep awareness of their   achieve sustainable organizational   resilience and robustness over time.
        leadership qualities will the students   goals. The course has been designed   Students will be able to encompass
        be able to develop an effective plan   to help the students to earn for   and assume  core behaviors that
        for personal development which   themselves the knowledge, skills,   enable the strategic leadership of
        they will implement throughout the   competencies and behaviors   effective teams to have an in depth
        program. This course will help you   of successful leaders in the   understanding of  overt and covert
        understand some of the secrets to   contemporary business world. The   interpersonal team process skills and
        developing, motivating, inspiring and   course will expose the students to   an understanding of the impact such
        sustaining high-performing teams   the business challenges of a truly   skills have upon team performance.
        to drive sustainable organizational   flat world and also provide them   The need to understand and
        success.                      with a skill set to find out sustainable   negotiate interdependent
                                      business solutions. Overall, the   relationships between team
                                                                     colleagues, departments and

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