Page 191 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 191


        to explain how strategic capabilities   BUS 482 - PC -  Quantitative       ECO 482 - PC - Introduction to
        can ensure sustainable competitive   Methods in Business     Economics
        advantage. It examines the way
        firms and markets are organized in   Credit Hour:  2         Credit Hour:  2
        different manner under different   Prerequisites: No Prerequisite    Prerequisite: No Prerequisite
        business environment with the aim   This course introduces students   The main goal of this course is to
        to achieve distinctive capabilities and   to the fundamentals of statistical   provide students with knowledge of
        therefore to formulate distinctive   analysis, placing emphasis on the   the theories and methodologies of
        strategies. It explains the way   application of data analytics for a   economics and their applications in
        capabilities are modeled, their   wide range of business problems.   business. The first part of the course
        contribution to an appropriate   The course begins with an overview   will involve discussing the problem of
        Strategy, their dimensions and   of basic quantitative techniques   economic scarcity, supply, demand,
        the way they are developing, the   to compile and present summary   market prices and the use of prices
        way they are audited and presents   measures of business data, and   as a guide for consumption and
        their dynamic character and their   moves on to inferential tools to aid   production. Additional topics covered
        sustainability. Finally it enters into   managerial decision making. At the   include production possibility
        the steps for analyzing Resources   end of the course, students should   frontier, marginal analysis, and
        and Capabilities of an Organization.   be able to apply a variety of statistical   opportunity cost. The second part
        It explains the reasons of possible   methods to analyze historical data,   of the course, the focus is on the
        differences and the way they are likely   model future trends, and devise   theory of the firm. As a part of this
        to change. It will enable students to   managerial implications.  broad topic, the course examines
        understand the way capabilities lead                         in detail competition, oligopoly, and
        to various competitive strategies.  ACC 482 - PC - Financial   monopoly markets. In each of these
                                      Accounting                     market models, equilibrium price,
         Pre-Core Courses             Credit Hour:  2                      output, profits and consumption
                                                                     levels are reviewed. Throughout the
                                      Prerequisites: No Prerequisite  course, particular emphasis is placed
        MGT 482-PC - Introduction to   Financial accounting and reporting is   on the use of economic analysis to
        Management                    the primary channel through which   explain and critique contemporary
                                      organizations provide important   business issues. Extensive examples
        Credit Hour:  2               financial information to their external   are used to illustrate the application
                                                                     of managerial economics theories to
        Prerequisite: No Prerequisite  stakeholders (e.g., shareholders,   practical business situations.
                                      creditors, governmental agencies,
        This course examines, in depth, the   and customers, etc.) for both
        role that managers plays in ensuring   informational and decision-making
        organizational performance.  The   purposes.  Consistent with this
        management functions of organizing   purpose, this course teaches
        and leading are explored in depth.   students the fundamentals of
        The course presents individual   accounting methods and systems,
        motivation and communication   such as transaction analysis, the
        style, group dynamics as related   accrual system of accounting, the
        to problem solving and decision-  process of income measurement,
        making, leadership style, work   and the construction and analysis
        structuring, and the larger business   of financial statements. The primary
        environment. It also covers   focus of the course is on the users of
        organizational culture and change,   accounting information. This course
        interdependence of individual, group   assumes no prior knowledge in
        and organization task and structure.   accounting.
        The course demonstrates the real-
        world applications of management
        concepts and makes management
        come alive by bringing real managers
        from a variety of fields into the

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