Page 190 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 190


        MPM 521 - Project Planning,   course learning outcomes related to   a comprehensive view of the UAE
        Integration, and Scope        project management, needs analysis,   legal system, the most common
        Management                    project charter development,   legal concepts and articles that
                                      integration, leadership, scope,   appear in project contracts, and
        Credit Hour: 3                staffing, scheduling, tracking, and   the methods for dispute resolution,
        Prerequisite: No Prerequisite   project closure. The projects and   complemented by a number of real-
        This course provides an in-depth   presentations will provide hands-  case projects’ contracts.
        look at techniques for planning,   on experience applying concepts.   MGT 518 -  Sustainability
        integrating, and controlling multiple   Standard office software and tools   Strategies
        projects within an organization.   will be used to deliver assessments.
        Delivered through weekly face-to-  MPM 541 - Project Contract   Credit Hour: 3
        face sessions, this course examines   Management and Legal Aspects  Prerequisite: MGT 482-PC + ACC482-
        project integration management,                              PC
        which coordinates all aspects   Credit Hour: 3
        of a project to ensure smooth   Prerequisite: No Prerequisite   Sustainability has become a critical
        execution. Students will gain   This course presents the legal venues   topic in the corporate strategy realm,
        hands-on experience developing                               in the long term, all organizations
        key project deliverables including   for dispute resolution that arise in   must live in harmony with their
        the project charter, project plan,   various projects’ contracts as well   environments.
                                      as the legal aspects of contract
        and project scope statement.                                 Developing a sustainable strategy
        Topics covered include project   documents. Federal legal systems   requires robust decision making to
                                      are discussed, with emphasis on
        management fundamentals and                                  balance economic, environmental
        the project life cycle; conducting   the UAE, and the type of cases   and social consideration. The
        needs analysis and assessment;   addressed at the federal and the   objective of the course is to
                                      local (Emirate) level. The role of
        drafting the project charter to                              deepen the understanding of
        formally authorize a project; utilizing   regulatory agencies is presented   the Sustainability Strategies that
                                      with extensive exposition of the UAE
        a Project Management Office                                  help clarify the opportunities and
        (PMO) for oversight; leadership   regulatory agencies together with   challenges in this regard. The course
        and organizational skills for project   examples of UAE regulations. The   presents a clear analysis of the
                                      venues of arbitration and mediation
        managers; defining and managing                              challenge of using environmentalism
        project scope; managing interfaces   for dispute resolution are presented,   as a source of competitive advantage
                                      with the method of their conduct, the
        between project components                                   when, where and how to integrate
        and teams; staffing projects and   role of the mediator and arbitrator,   a green focus to business. Specific
        HR considerations; implementing   as well as the arbitration centers   topics covered in the course aim
                                      and their rules in the UAE. Using real
        change management processes;                                 to help students understand how
        scheduling projects activities and   case construction and other type   sustainability can be better perceived,
                                      of projects’ contracts the agency
        milestones; tracking progress and                            understood and implemented.
        performance; and closing projects   relationship and responsibilities of
        and conducting post-project reviews.   the parties involved are presented,   This course takes a pragmatic
                                      and the concept of force majeure,
        Upon completion, students will                               business perspective to assist
        be equipped with knowledge and   and how it is applied in the UAE   students to thoroughly understand
                                      and in other countries. Extensive
        skills to effectively manage multiple                        how to integrate sustainability into
        projects within an organization,   presentation of change orders, how   their organizations and create
        including internal initiatives and   they are asked by an owner and a   responsible business practices across
                                      contractor, the timetable of response,
        outsourced efforts. Integration                              cultures and borders.
        techniques will be applied to   forms to be submitted, the ways to
                                      resolve change order disputes, as
        coordinate workflow, resources, and                          MGT 519 -  Building Strategic &
        communications to ensure successful   well as the limit of cardinal change.   Dynamic Capabilities
        delivery.                     Fixed and cost-reimbursement
                                      contracts, their advantages and   Credit Hour: 3
        Assessments include group of 2   disadvantages, contract breach,   Prerequisite : MGT 482-PC
        students’ assignments, a major   the role of addendum in contracts,
        group of 3 to 5 students’ project   and non-disclosure agreements   The aim of this course is to use
        and presentation, an individual   are also discussed. The legal   theory and case studies in order to
        major assignment, and participation   risks in international projects are   analyses Strategic Capabilities in the
        marks. These assessments address   presented. This course presents   various Business Environments and
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