Page 189 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 189
emiratization, the changing nature corporate governance, product to enhance an understanding of
of work in a global world, the impact liability, consumer safety, truth the management of technological,
of technological innovation and and advertising, employee rights organizational and market changes.
virtual organizations, the impact of and duties and quality of work life. Particular attention is given to
outsourcing on work demographics, The course is discussion-oriented. information technology (IT) and the
and issues related to finance such as Students are encouraged to explore Internet as a means for creative
recession and downsizing. the human resource management strategy formulation and innovative
implications of the issues raised. business development.
MGT 514 - Organizational Ultimately, students will learn how to
Behavior address organizational issues related The course aims to equip the student
Credit Hour: 3 to ethics and social responsibility. with the requisite knowledge, skills
and attitudes to manage technology
Prerequisite: MGT 482-PC MIS 546 - Electronic Business and innovation at the strategic and
This course provides a framework organizational levels. Specifically, it
for understanding the values, Credit Hour: 3 aims to integrate the management
attitudes and behaviors of individuals Prerequisite: No Prerequisite of technological, organizational
and groups in an organizational Electronic Business (E-Business) and market changes to support the
setting. This course explains how is changing the ways in which development of new products and
individuals and groups function to organizations operate and compete services, the implementation of new
achieve goals and the reasons for in the global market. This course processes, and the creation of new
successes or failure in achieving provides an overview of E-Business businesses.
these goals. Specific topics covered from a managerial perspective. MEM 501 - Project Management
in this course include: theoretical It will introduce the fundamental
foundations of organizational concepts and frameworks for Credit Hour: 3
behavior; personality and individual exploring E-Business opportunities. Prerequisite: No Prerequisite
differences; the impact of values, The course will also discuss a wide This course covers the elements
attitudes, and job satisfaction on range of contemporary issues of project management critical
organizational behavior; motivational related to E-business strategies to the success of engineering
theories; group dynamics and and implementation. The course projects: project management
decision making; communication materials will be delivered through framework, strategic management
and leadership; power, politics, and a combination of lectures, case and project selection, project
influence within an organizational analyses and discussions in class.. organization, human aspects of
context; organizational design and its project management, conflicts, and
role in achieving organizational goals. MIS 556 - Innovation Technology negotiations, scope management,
The course emphasizes practical and Management time management, cost
applications of concepts, theories Credit Hour: 3 management, risk management,
and frameworks in the workplace. Prerequisite: No Prerequisite contracts and procurement, project
By doing so, this course prepares termination, the project management
students to manage behavior of In today’s challenging environment, office, and modern developments
individuals and groups within an every organization has to address the in project management. The course
organization in order to achieve the following important questions: will be delivered face-to-face
organizational goals. • How should we respond to various through lectures, case studies, and
MGT 520 - Business Ethics and technological, market, product discussions. In addition, students
Corporate Governance and organizational changes in the will apply all learned concepts in a
external environment? term group project (up to 3 students
Credit Hour: 3 • How can we progress from per group) related to managing the
Prerequisite: No Prerequisite an industrial, product-centric entire project management life cycle,
This course examines current economy to a networked, digital supported by E-tools for project
issues in business ethics from the economy that is service-centric? management, such as MS Project or
perspective of fundamental concepts • How can we innovate? any other tool.
and theories of ethics and social
responsibility. The issues covered Within the context of these important
include whistle blowing, bribery, questions, this course addresses
cartels, environmental protection, issues which are central to managing
internet security, intellectual property, innovation and technology. It aims
Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025