Page 188 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 188


        HRM 529 - Managing Training   HRM 531 - Corporate            practices are reviewed. Moreover,
        and Development               Performance Management         this course looks at the labor law
                                                                     from the international perspective so
        Credit Hour:  3               Credit Hour:  3                    that students are well-equipped to
        Prerequisites: No Prerequisite  Prerequisite: HRM 526        function as business professionals in
        In order for employees to be effective   This course examines human   today’s increasingly global business
        in their jobs and to contribute to   resource management from a   environment. In order to accomplish
        organizational goals, they need to   strategic perspective and focuses   this goal, this course reviews labor
        acquire and develop appropriate   on how the Balanced Scorecard   law and social legislature in the
        knowledge and skills necessary for   approach can be implemented   United Arab Emirates, the United
        their positions. Human Resource   as a strategic tool for improving   States of America, European Union
        Development (HRD), an integral part   sustainable performance of   together with an overview of
        of human resource management,   companies of different size across   international law and practices. While
        helps employees acquire the   various industries in the UAE and the   the focus of this course is rather
        necessary knowledge and skills.   region. The first part of this course   international, the ultimate goal of this
        This course provides students   teaches students how to use the tool   course is to provide students with an
        with a hands-on understanding   to align the organization to its stated   overview of the legal environment of
        of theories and practices used in   intent and translate the tool into   the UAE; legal, social, economic and
        human resource management to   operational objectives. The second   political forces impacting the law; and
        provide employees with appropriate   part of this course teaches students   strategies for effective response to
        training and development that   how to unite employees through a   forces in the legal, economic socio-
        ensures realization of employees’full   strategic performance enhancement   cultural environment. Ultimately, this
        potential in the workplace. On a   program implemented with the help   course teaches students to manage
        more strategic level, this course   of Balanced Scorecards. A particular   labor relations within a legal and
        examines how training and     emphasis is placed on management   ethical framework.
        development can be correlated with   approaches and techniques for   HRM 532 - Compensation and
        long term organization change and   implementing Balanced Scorecards   Benefits
        development. HRD activities are   for sustainable performance in
        placed within a context of knowledge   organizations in the UAE and   Credit Hour: 3
        management and the need to create,   the region. These management   Prerequisite: HRM517
        develop and sustain a “learning   techniques include creating
        organization”. This course starts   organizational awareness, setting   This course teaches students
        with an introduction to the main   individual and team goals, and   how to design an effective
        concepts, theories, and practices of   linking those goals to rewards. The   compensation and benefits system
        training and development. After that,   course also teaches how to evaluate   in their organizations in the UAE
        the process of learning is examined   effectiveness of Balanced Scorecards   and the region. Topics covered
        in depth in order to develop a   implementation and make the   within the compensation area
        through theoretical understanding of   necessary adjustments based on the   include importance of monetary
        learning among students. Then the   feedback received.       compensation, determining the
        course focuses on various concepts,                          relative worth of jobs, performance
        theories and techniques related to   HRM 535- Employment Law and   based pay schemes and indirect
        training need assessment, planning   Relations               compensation. In order to emphasize
        for training, conducting training                            practical application of these
        (with a particular emphasis on the   Credit Hour:  3                    concepts, theories, and practices,
        knowledge and skill transfer process),   Prerequisite: No prerequisite  students will be asked to create
        and training evaluation. At the end   Co-requisite: HRM 517  fictional companies in which they
        of the course, the course will cover   This course is an overview of the law   will have to make decision on issues
        issued related to career planning,   and social legislature impacting the   related to compensation in benefits.
        such as employee and management   workplace: the employer-employee   The topics of compensation and
        development and succession    contract; anti-discrimination law;   benefits are examined in the context
        planning. Ultimately, this course   employee testing and privacy;   of contemporary developments
        prepares students to effectively   regulatory agencies; compensation   related to Human Resource
        manage training and development in   and other statutory rights. Ethics   Management in the UAE and
        their organizations.          and social responsibility are used as   globally. These developments include
                                                                     increased migration of labor and
                                      lenses through which these laws and   increased reliance on expatriates,

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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