Page 187 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 187


        on individual and institutional   HRM 517 - Human Resource   HRM 526 - Employee
        investors and the global economy   Management in a Global    Performance Management
        as a whole. Students are initially   Environment
        introduced to global financial                               Credit Hour:  3
        markets and traded instruments,   Credit Hour:  3            Prerequisite: HRM 517
        such as bonds, equities, derivatives,   Prerequisite: No Prerequisite  The course examines in-depth the
        foreign exchange, and alternative   In today’s increasingly global   role of performance management
        investments. The course then   business environment, Human   system in managing employees’
        discusses the role of depository   Resource Management (HRM) plays   productivity for overall organizational
        and non-depository institutions   an increasingly important role in   successes. More specifically,
        and institutional investors (such   supporting organizational strategies,   the course has been designed
        as pension funds, endowments,   goals, and tactics. The main goal of   to familiarize the students with
        insurance companies), and financial   this course is to provide students   the concepts on performance
        intermediaries (such as investment   with a thorough understanding   management system and the usage
        banks) in the development of   of the main concepts, theories,   of performance management
        financial markets. Possible future   and practices of Human Resource   systems as a powerful tool for
        developments in global markets are   Management (HRM). Since the United   line manager as well as the
        also discussed.               Arab Emirates (UAE) workforce   Human Resource Management
        FIN 613 - International Finance  is very diverse and is comprised   professionals in leveraging
                                      primarily of expatriates from across   employees’ performance. The course
        Credit Hour:  3               the globe, these fundamentals of   starts with an in-depth introduction
        Prerequisite: FIN 512         HRM are taught in both the local   to performance management
                                      and global context. This course   systems, allowing students to
        This course covers issues related   makes a particular emphasis on   develop a holistic understanding
        to both international financial                              of performance management
        markets and the financial operations   fundamental local and global   systems and evaluate their strengths
                                      practices in relation to job analysis,
        of a firm within the international                           and weaknesses. After that, the
        environment. The first part of the   job design, selection, recruitment,   course centers on the nature
                                      training and development, reward
        course examines issues related   management, performance appraisal,   and drivers of performance. The
        to the international markets. This                           course explains how performance
        includes international commercial   and compensation. Particular   management process supports
                                      practical emphasis is placed on
        policy, international investment,                            strategic goals of an organization.
        foreign exchange markets, the   recruitment a selection. Students will   Particular emphasis is placed on
                                      be asked to develop a recruitment
        Euromarkets, and currency derivative   and selection system for a UAE   selecting the right performance
        markets. The second part of the                              measurement metrics and data
        course focuses on financial issues   organization. Additional topics   gathering process in relation to
                                      covered include overview of labor
        associated with operations of a firm                         these metrics. Implementing and
        in the international environment.   law and labor relations, employee   managing performance management
                                      data management and related HRM
        Specifically, this part of the course   information systems, and common   system is another broad topic
        will focus on the identification,                            covered in this course.  The course
        measurement, and management   HRM metrics. The course ends with a   concludes with equipping students
                                      discussion of future global challenges
        of the impact of exchange rates                              with the necessary knowledge and
        on the firm; issues related to the   of HRM. This course equips students   skills in implementing performance
                                      with the necessary international
        taxation of international income; the   perspective that will allow them to   remedies at the individual, group
        implications of political risk on project                    and organizational levels. Ultimately,
        evaluation and financial structure,   develop a deep understanding of   this course aims to prepare students
                                      why HRM practices differ across the
        firms’ cost of capital for international                     to design effective performance
        projects; financing decisions in a   globe and use theories and practices   management systems for their
                                      appropriate for a given context.
        global market; and methods for                               organizations.
        evaluating the performance of
        foreign operations.  While the course
        discusses theoretical basis  on the
        various issues, it relies on both
        empirical evidence and discussion of
        firms’ real world activities.
        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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