Page 186 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
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        – implementation. Students will be   MKT 511 - Marketing
        taught various change management   Management                 Elective Courses
        techniques together with the
        necessary leadership skills needed   Credit Hour:  3
        for implementing strategies. The   Prerequisites: No Prerequisite  FIN 605 - Investment Theory &
        course concludes with an overview   Marketing is one of the most   Analysis
        of various traditional and new   dynamic fields within the business   Credit Hour:  3
        metrics and methods for evaluating   arena. The marketplace continually   Prerequisite: FIN 512
        effectiveness of a particular strategy.   throws out fresh challenges and
        Ultimately, this course prepares   marketing students should be   This course gives students broad
        managers to use various concepts,   prepared to face these challenges   knowledge and understanding of
        frameworks, theories, and methods   and react accurately. Considering   investment theory and analysis  by
        of strategic management to attain a   the importance of a marketing   taking a global perspective and
        sustainable competitive advantage   course for the students in the MBA   considering a variety of asset classes
        for their organizations.      Program, this course is designed   and securities. In competitive
        MGT 524 - Research Methods in   in a way so that the students will   markets investors must allocate
                                                                     scarce funds among various
        Business                      know what to do and when. In this
                                      course, they will work on marketing   financial markets, asset classes,
        Credit Hour:  3               planning, programming, analyzing,   and individual securities based on
        Prerequisite: BUS 482-PC + MSL 500    and reporting.  The course focuses   perceived value and inherent risk.
        Co-requisite: MGT482-PC       on concepts, methods, strategies and   This course will provide students
                                      applications of decision modeling   with the necessary analytical tools to
        This course is designed for the   to address various marketing issues   make informed decisions about such
        business researcher or professional   such as market segmentation and   risk/return trade-offs. This course
        in order to make choices about   positioning, product and pricing   aims to describe the role of asset
        how to handle the most important   policies and strategies, channels   allocation, risk management, industry
        business variables and  how to   strategies and implementation,   analysis, style analysis and trading
        study them. HRM and business   and communication response and   in portfolio management. Various
        research designs usually take the   budgeting. The course will prepare   investment processes are examined
        form of statistical research, survey   MBA students to take any kind of   and strengths and weaknesses in
        research, case studies, experimental   challenges in marketing.  the various approaches considered.
        research or meta–analysis. The                               Students should also learn the
        course examines specific issues   SCM 540 - Operations & Supply   importance  to successful portfolio
        relating to business research projects   Chain Management    management of a disciplined
        in terms of formulating research                             investment process, and should, by
        questions, collection of data, analysis   Credit Hour:  3    the end of the course, be able to
        and recommendations. The course   Prerequisite: BUS 482-PC   design or develop a rigorous process
        examines both quantitative and   This course covers such broad areas   for an investment management firm.
        qualitative research and considers   of management as operations and
        a multi-method approach as a   supply chain management, decision   FIN 609 - Financial Institutions
        more balanced way to achieve a   analysis, and project management.   and Markets
        pragmatic research methodology   It caters to the core topics in supply
        that can ultimately be useful for the   chains such as capacity management,   Credit Hour:  3
                                                                     Prerequisite: FIN 512
        business practitioner. The students   inventory management, material
        will be also introduced to emerging   requirement planning (MRP) in an   This course is an introduction to
        topics such big data and analytics.   organization. The course also aims   banks, insurance companies, and
        This course places special emphasis   to provide understanding of the    other financial service institutions.
        on developing an understanding of   real-world supply chains using a   It takes the view that financial
        ethical principles in research, namely   simulation model. At the end of this   institutions are information
        the issues related to plagiarism,   course, students should be familiar   producing intermediaries that use
        rights of human subjects in relation   with the individual components of   the information they produce to aid
        to privacy and no harm inflicted, data   operations and supply chain and   in the optimal allocation and use of
        protection and the importance of   their interrelationships. Students will   funds. This broad view of financial
        sound research for decision making.  also develop the quantitative and   services necessitates understanding
                                      analytical skills to analyze, model and   the causes and implications of the
                                      solve supply chain problems.   evolutionary nature of this industry

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