Page 185 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 185



        Master of                     markets, risk, valuation, and long   will examine how the field of
                                                                     communication contributes to
                                      term and short term financing
        Business                      and investment. Upon completion   effective leadership. It also examines
                                                                     the skills of effective leaders, the
                                      of this course, the student will
                                                                     importance of context for leaders,
                                      be able to apply these important
        Administration                tools of Financial Management in   and case studies of successful
                                      a wide range of areas. This course
                                                                     leaders in business. This course will
                                      emphasizes the nature  of the   give you the chance to learn the
                                      decision process and the role that   styles of leadership including what
                                      economic analysis plays in various   works and what doesn’t. The course
         Core Courses                 areas of business by providing   also covers all the relevant and
                                      illustrations of practical applications   recent research on leadership. Topics
                                      of Financial Management. The course   may include leader as individual,
        ACC 522 - Managerial          relies on the Internet and MS Excel in   team leadership, leading change,
        Accounting                    the educational process.       and creating vision and strategic
                                                                     direction. Particular emphasis
        Credit Hour:  3               MGT 521 - International        is placed on the role of ethics in
        Prerequisite: ACC 482-PC      Business                       leadership.
        Managerial accounting provides   Credit Hour:  3             MGT 523 - Strategic
        information to managers and   Prerequisite: MGT 482-PC       Management in a Global
        other internal stakeholders in the                           Environment
        areas of costing, decision making,   This course is about the nature of
                                      international business and how
        planning, and control. This course                           Credit Hour:  3
        provides an in-depth coverage of   companies respond to forces in the   Prerequisite: Last Semester
                                      international business environment.
        such accounting topics as basic cost                         In today’s increasingly global
        concepts, cost classification, design   It includes analysis of the extent   competitive environment, managers
        and the principles of cost accounting   of the international business, the   face no greater challenge than that
                                      theories underlying it, and the forces
        systems, alternative costing methods,                        of strategic planning and strategic
        budgeting, cost allocation systems,   affecting it. It also includes analysis   management. Guiding a complex
                                      of appropriate company responses
        planning and control, and costing                            organization through a dynamic,
        for decision making (i.e., strategic   to the international business   rapidly changing, and increasingly
        cost analysis). Practical applications   phenomenon. Ultimately, this course   globalized environment requires
                                      prepares students to manage a
        of these topics are integrated and                           the best of judgment. Strategic
        emphasized by teaching students   business in the international context.  management and planning
        how to use accounting information   MGT 522 - Leadership and   issues are invariably ambiguous
        in managerial planning, decision   Communication             and unstructured, and the way
        making, and control. In addition                             in which management responds
        to that, students will learn how to   Credit Hour:  3        to them determines whether an
        use cost analysis in developing   Prerequisite: No Prerequisite  organization will succeed or fail.
        organizational budgets.  All the above   Leadership is an essential ingredient   This class prepares you to face
        mentioned topics are discussed from   in any attempt to manage and   the aforementioned challenges by
        the perspective of a senior manager.  achieve organizational goals. The   focusing on strategy formulation,
                                      process of leadership depends   implementation, evaluation, and
        FIN 512 - Financial Management  on the interaction in a group or   control in a global competitive
        Credit Hour:  3               organization. Communication is one   environment. This class teaches
        Prerequisite: ECO 482-PC + ACC   of the processes that are central to   strategy formulation at the functional,
        482-PC                        effective leadership and followership.   business, corporate, and global
                                      Therefore, the course will provide   levels with a particular reference to
        This course teaches optimal   students fundamental management   business ethics, social responsibility,
        management of firm’s assets and   concepts and explore the connection   and good corporate governance. A
        financing requirements, analysis   between communication and   special emphasis is placed on the
        of financial statements, financial   leadership. Particularly, the course   area where strategies typically fail

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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