Page 184 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 184


        disorders. It is designed to increase   SPEDU 527 - Seminar in Autism
        students’ awareness of the causes   Credit Hours: 3
        and characteristics of a variety of
        speech problems, language and   Prerequisite: SPEDU 501
        communication disorders together   This course covers the most
        with current approaches to service   advanced issues in Autism, new
        provision. And the support needs   approaches and researches, family
        will be examined. Several specific   and early intervention programs,
        programs will be studied in greater   rehabilitation and community
        detail, and students will be expected   services and legislations. This course
        to complete an in-depth study in one   covers issues related to different
        of these areas.               resources and new programs in the
        SPEDU 525 - Seminar in Gifted   field of Autism and related services
        and Talented Education        in special education.  This course
                                      will cover readings and research
        Credit Hours: 3               on narrative people with Autism as
        Prerequisite: SPEDU 501       well as field visits to Autism center
                                      in UAE. This course design to help
        This course covers the most   students to examine current research
        advanced issues in gifted and   on Autism and related services
        talented programs, new approaches   programs provides for persons with
        and researches, international   autism and their families.  Programs
        experiments and schools in this   and activities designed to increase
        field, community services and   students’ awareness and knowledge
        legislations. This course covers   of the characteristics and the
        focus in new methods and      educational, psychological, social,
        educational programs for gifted   medical needs and support needs
        and talented characteristics, needs,   for Autism. Several specific programs
        and rehabilitation and community   will be studied in greater detail,
        services and new techniques.  This   and students will be expected to
        course will focus in new approaches   complete an in-depth study in one of
        and researches in this field.   these areas.
        Evaluation, assessment and prepare
        qualified teachers and resource
        room. This course design to help
        students to Examines current
        research on Gifted and Talented It
        is designed to increase students’
        awareness of the characteristics
        and the educational needs of
        giftedness and talented students.
        current approaches to service them.
        And the support needs will be
        examined. Several specific programs
        will be studied in greater detail,
        and students will be expected to
        complete an in-depth study in one of
        these areas.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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