Page 183 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 183


        and its scope, conduct a literature   provides the current perspectives   SPEDU 523 - Seminar in Sensory
        review that covers the classic and   on issues related to the legal and   and Physical Disabilities
        emerging methods and techniques   civic rights of individuals identified   Credit Hours: 3
        in addressing the problem, and   with IDD and how to make related
        propose a systematic approach to   services more efficient. Additional   Prerequisite: SPEDU 501
        address the problem. Students are to   related topics are explored through   This course designed to help
        work at a steady pace over two terms   further readings and exploratory   students learn essential concepts,
        to complete all the requirements and   research.             knowledge, procedures, and
        submit the thesis for evaluation and                         guidelines necessary for effective
        defense.                      SPEDU 522 - Seminar in         and responsible diagnosis of
                                      Emotional and Behavioral
                                      Disorders                      developmental disabilities (Sensory
         Electives Courses            Credit Hours: 3                and Physical), the course will focus
                                                                     in new approaches and researches
                                      Prerequisite: SPEDU 501        and early intervention programs,
                                                                     and rehabilitation and community
        SPEDU 520  - Seminar in       This course is designed to help   services. These issues include also
        Learning Disabilities         students learn essential concepts,   related services, teaching, technology
        Credit Hours: 3               knowledge, procedures, and     and treatment approaches. Inclusive
                                      guidelines necessary for effective
        Prerequisite: SPEDU 501       and responsible diagnosis of   education and school management.
                                                                     Through study and analyze Causes
        This course provides the current   emotional and behavioral disorders   of sensory disabilities, physical and
        perspectives on issues related to   in children, adolescents and adults   health disabilities and the support
        the legal and theoretical principles   and effective communication (orally   needs, students will examine and
        of special education and related   and in writing) of diagnostic labels   practices several specific programs
        services provided for the students   and formulations. The emphasis is   in greater detail. The course content
        with learning disabilities, curriculum   on basic understanding and use of   and practices designed to increase
        adaptation and universal design to   the prevailing diagnostic system,   students’ awareness of the new
        serve students with mild disabilities.    the DSM-IV-TR. Understanding how   programs and intervention programs
        Selected topics are explored through   proper diagnosis plays. Assessment   and characteristics of a variety of
        readings and discussion, and   and planning, Emphasis is on   sensory and physical disabilities,
        research. The students are expected   strategies for anticipating future   together with current approaches to
        to cover issues like inclusion   societal needs and developing   service Sp. Ed field.
        education, accountability, diversity,   educational curriculum to meet those
        recent and advanced programs and   needs. Matters of diversity, workforce   SPEDU 524 - Seminar in
        practices associated with learning   development, ethical/legal issues in   Language and Communication
        disabilities from equity and education   curriculum planning and education   Disorders
        for all perspectives.         are also included. This course   Credit Hours: 3
                                      covers the most advanced issues in
        SPEDU 521 Seminar in          emotional and behavioral Disorders;   Prerequisite: SPEDU 501
        Intellectual and Developmental   this includes the study of the   This course covers the most
        Disabilities                  psychology of disruptive behavior,   advanced issues in Language
        Credit Hours: 3               including definitions, characteristics,   and communication disorders,
                                      identification, and academic and
        Prerequisite: SPEDU 501       social interventions for managing   new approaches and researches,
                                                                     speech therapy and rehabilitation
        This course covers the most   behavior in the classroom. Behavior   and community services and new
        advanced issues in Intellectual and   therapy and analyses, behavior   techniques.  This course will focus
        Developmental Disabilities (IDD), new   analysis approach and teacher’s   in new approaches and researches
        approaches, trends and issues, family   intervention in the classroom,   in early intervention programs,
        and early intervention programs,   Behavior management, family   and rehabilitation and community
        rehabilitation and services and   and early intervention programs,   services. These issues and studies
        associated legislations from human   rehabilitation and community   include speech, language, and
        rights and advocacy perspectives.   services. Behavioral management   communication disorders.
        Early development, Genetics,   and behavioral analyzes strategies.   This course design to help students
        Genomics, Epigenetics, and Nervous   Legislation, and will cover the
        system and their relation to the   inclusive, behavior treatment within   to Examines current research on
                                                                     language and communication
        IDD are also explored. This course   support groups and classrooms.

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