Page 182 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 182


        measurement instruments, types of   the integration of technology into   education and inclusive classrooms.
        research designs--advantages and   teaching and learning within the   Providing realistic and rigorous field
        disadvantages, descriptive statistics.  field of special education. A variety of   experiences balanced with research-
                                      assistive technologies ranging from   based applications and activities, this
        SPEDU 507 - Administration,   low to high tech will be discussed   course “bridges the gap” between
        Management, Organizing        and demonstrated. Technology   methods, student teaching, and
        Policies and Services in Special   for high incidence as well as low   ultimately being an effective and
        Education                     incidence disabilities will be covered.   successful special education teacher.
        Credit Hours: 3               Students will learn to apply a process   Over the semester, students will
        Prerequisite: SPEDU 501       for problem-solving and for the   experience the full role and meaning
                                      selection of appropriate tools to meet   of teaching in special education
        This course aims to provide   individual student needs. Students   and/or an inclusive classroom. They
        students with recent issues in   are expected to take an active role in   work collaboratively with other
        special education such as inclusive   learning about assistive technologies   school personnel and utilize school
        education, new strategies, women   and hands-on learning will be   and community resources in the
        in special education, rehabilitation,   included to facilitate that process.   instructional program.
        families and community, advocating,   The course will assist students
        law and sociopolitical issues.   in exploring assistive technology   SPEDU 580 - Special Education
        Topics will cover the development   applications that can be integrated   Research Thesis
        and implementation of policy   in universally designed learning   Credit Hours: 3
        and procedures, leadership skills,   environments and differentiated   Prerequisite: SPEDU506 +
        resource management, legislation   classrooms.               SPEDU550+ Completion of 18 CHs
        and policies, program and financial
        management, philosophical     SPEDU 550 - Internship / Field   This is a capstone research thesis
        orientation to inclusive programming,   Experience           for the Master of Science in Special
        legal and policy issues, equity and   Credit Hours: 3        Education program. The course
        the tension between responsibilities   Prerequisite: Completion of 18 CHs  allows students to integrate
        for services delivery between general                        theoretical principles with practical
        and special educators, services and   The principal internship aims to   aspects using applied research
        program evaluation, instructional   bridge the gap between theory and   methods under the guidance of a
        practices, community and parent   practice and ‘students’ academic   faculty with the relevant knowledge
        engagement in services delivery. This   and experiential learning. In the   and experience. In this course
        course is an analysis of important   internship, students will engage   students are required to create
        conceptual and practical issues that   in self-assessment of strengths,   a thesis, completed in two major
        face special education professionals.   weaknesses, areas of particular   stages. In the first stage, students
        It illustrates the background and   interest. They will increasingly   will select, finalize, and submit the
        status of special education through   assume responsibility for continuing   thesis proposal, make all necessary
        current analysis of fundamental   their professional development   revisions and successfully defend
        guiding practices. It focuses on   by planning for and completing a   their proposal. In the second stage,
        key practices in special education   program of field-based experiences.   students are required to implement
        services with the latest information   The internship in special education   their proposal by conducting the
        on assessment, instruction, early   provides the opportunity for the   research and producing an applied
        intervention, transition, and school   student to apply what he/she has   research thesis.
        reform. In addition, it provides an   learned in coursework and field   The goal of this course is to develop
        analysis of social, political, legal, and   experiences. It is expected that   the student’s research skills and
        economic activity reflected in special   students will integrate, apply, and   extend the depth of their knowledge
        education practice.
                                      refine those competencies that will   by addressing a relevant specific
        SPEDU 511 - Assistive         help them evolve into independent   special and/or inclusive education
        Technology in Special Education     special educators who can effectively   research problem.
        Credit Hours: 3               serve students with disabilities in   The type and nature of the thesis are
                                      a variety of settings. This course
        Prerequisite: SPEDU 501       prepares future educators, practicing   to be arranged between the student
                                                                     and the supervisor. Both parties
        This course will provide opportunities   teachers, and alternative certification   must agree on a research topic and,
        to learn about assistive technology   professionals with the demand’s   as a minimum requirement, the
        for students with disabilities and   educators will experience in special   student must define the problem

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