Page 181 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 181


        Master of                     the appropriate assessment tool.   intervention techniques to use with
                                      Authentic assessment strategies,
                                                                     young children who have moderate
        Science                       specifically designed to support and   to severe disabilities. Students
                                      inform instruction are the hallmark
                                                                     will be provided with lectures and
                                                                     reading materials to integrate
                                      of best practices in special education.
        in Special                    The expert teacher also analyzes   and reflect on current trends and
                                                                     research in early childhood and
                                      evaluation data to make informed
        Education                     decisions about student progress.  intervention programs. Students
                                      SPEDU 503 - Curriculum         will focus on instructional content
                                                                     and practice that are appropriate for
                                      Development and Instructional   young children with disabilities. In
         Core Courses                 Strategies in Special Education       addition, field experiences, and case
                                      Credit Hours: 3                studies will provide students with
                                      Prerequisite: SPEDU 501        opportunities to apply and synthesize
        SPEDU 501 - Special Education                                knowledge relative to being a teacher
        and Exceptionality            This course designed to provide   in early childhood special education.
        Credit Hours: 3               students with a comprehensive   SPEDU 506 -  Research Methods
        Prerequisite: No pre-requisite  theoretical background and practical   in Special Education
                                      skills in special education curriculum
        This course is designed to give   and instruction with a focus on   Credit Hours: 3
        students the basic overview of all   curriculum evaluation, curriculum   Prerequisite: SPEDU 501
        the areas and categories of special   integration and educational
        education. The course will provide   improvement. Students will study and   The primary objective of this course
        an advanced educational knowledge   practice the different methodology   is providing students with related
        base consisting of philosophical,   and instructional strategies in   skills and knowledge to design and
        historical, psychological, educational,   special education. The study of this   product good research.  Specifically,
        social and legal foundations of   course will prepare them to take   the course aims at introducing
        special education and its programs.   on increased responsibilities in the   them to the basic concepts used in
        The purpose is to prepare students   planning, implementation, research,   research and to scientific methods
        to work with students identified with   and evaluation of curriculum,   and their approach related to
        exceptionality and research-informed   instruction and assessment through   paradigms used in Special Education
        teaching practices to support the   developing their own project and   and exceptionality. The course will
        needs of diverse learners within   design curriculum outlines model.   provide them with full opportunities
        the inclusive classrooms and to   The course will provide them also   to apply specific research methods
        further collaborate with families   with the most recent approaches and   related to their field. This course
        of exceptional learners to achieve   methods in curriculum development   covered the steps and procedure to
        optimum learning outcomes for all.   in special education area.  The study   stablish research topic to present
                                      of curriculum can help students to   results including all definitions and
        SPEDU 502 - Measurement and   design materials and instructional   method used in evaluation, identify
        Evaluation in Special Education     procedures for teaching exceptional   and writing Problem statement,
        Credit Hours: 3               individuals using Individualized   questions, hypotheses, research
                                                                     design, and statistical analyses
        Co-requisite: SPEDU 501       Educational Plans (IEP), Curriculum   procedures, ethical issues, sampling
                                      selection, program design, and
        This course is designed to cover   classroom organization will be   and select the best ligature. The
        methods, approaches, tools and   considered with commonalities   course will cover practices with
        scales used to identify the special   across exceptionalities emphasized.  knowledge related to prepare and
        needs, developing formal and   SPEDU 504 - Early Childhood and   writing proposals. Data collection and
        institutional screening tools for   Intervention Programs    develop tools will be part of practices,
        diagnoses and assessment. Class                              types of educational reference
        sessions will feature discussions,   Credit Hours: 3         resources, sources and effects of
        cooperative learning activities, and   Prerequisite: SPEDU 501  sampling error, characteristics and
        lecture presentations and will provide                       consequences of biased samples,
        opportunities to actively engage   This course is designed to provide   types of probability and non-
        in learning the various types of   students with subject matter,   probability-based sampling plans
        assessment along with the ability   curriculum, learner characteristics,   randomness, types of variables and
        to select or design and implement   reflection opportunities, and   how they are used, research validity,

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