Page 180 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 180


         Core Electives               international comparative research,   and staff and empower the as co-
                                                                     leaders.  This should allow them
                                      and to learn about relevant studies.
                                      The assignments will support these   to harness collective wisdom from
                                      learning objectives, and in addition,   multi-stakeholder coalitions and
        EDU 520 - Pedagogies for      help students to develop specific   bring multiple people including
        Diversity                     research skills that are necessary to   students and community members
        Credit Hours: 3               produce academic literature reviews   together to address current and
                                                                     emerging problems. In addition,
                                      and research papers.  This course will
        Prerequisite: No pre-requisite  explore these questions.  First, review   educators will learn how to create
        This course equips leaders and   the ways in which comparative and   a culture that supports change.
        educators with skills to implement   international educational research   They will work systematically to
        pedagogical strategies fostering   has been pursued focusing on   transform their schools into learning
        diversity, equity, and inclusion.   issues of theory and methodology,   organisations by building a clear
        Participants explore historical   second; balancing reading between   vision and mission for radical change
        context, theoretical frameworks,   theoretical and methodological   in education enhancing human
        ethical considerations, and research-  treatments of comparative education.   capital though professional develop
        based practices. Students learn   Also review a number of recent   locating effective leadership practices
        about professional responsibilities in   examples of empirical work.  After   and scaling the and reaching out
        working with families, communities,   a general exploration of major   to other organizations locally and
        and professionals to enhance   methodological and theoretical   internationally to build effective
        student success. Ethical, legislative,   issues in the area of Comparative and   networks with others and share their
        administrative, and organizational   International Education, the course   best practices.
        aspects are covered.          will examine literature addressing
                                      two overarching these: Education and
        EDU 521 - Ethical Leadership   Economic Development and Quality,
        and Decision Making in        Standards and Accountability.
        Educational Contexts                      EDU 523 - Contemporary Trends
        Credit Hours: 3               and Issues in Educational
        Prerequisite: No pre-requisite  Leadership
        This course introduces educational   Credit Hours: 3
        leaders and experienced teachers to   Prerequisite: No pre-requisite
        the complexities of ethical leadership
        and decision making in educational   The course is designed to
        contexts.  The elements of the course   introduce participant educators to
        provide opportunities to collectively   contemporary issues, trends and
        discuss and analyse real-life moral   challenges in educational leadership
        dilemmas facing educational leaders   which can significantly influence
        today.  Students will learn to identify   school transformation.  The course
        occasions when educational leaders   will enhance educators’ knowledge
        are faced with ethical dilemmas and   and build their strategies and skills
        will develop reasoning and reflective   to understand these current issues,
        skills to make decisions that are   predict the ones that might emerge
        in alignment with ethical codes in   in the future and make informed
        practical situations.         decisions to address them.  It will
                                      assist them to design unconventional
        EDU 522  - Comparative        and creative long-term solutions to
        Education                     face these issues.  The course also
        Credit Hours: 3               aims to build educators capacity,
        Prerequisite: No pre-requisite  confidence, and trust to work as
                                      leaders in a complex system with
        The course provides an overview   distributed authority and empowered
        of the methods, major concepts   co-workers.  They will learn essential
        and current trends in comparative   components for becoming advanced
        education.  It will enable students to   leaders who can locate potential
        identify strengths and limitations of   of latent capabilities of teachers

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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