Page 179 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 179


        learning environment and improve   an overview of the principles and   students with related subjects of
        learning process. Students will learn   processes of instructional supervision   the research paradigms used in
        about international programs, and   within the framework of teacher   education as well as opportunities
        they will write, design and create   growth and development.  The   to apply specific research methods
        individua projects including financial   course begins with the principles   related to these paradigms.
        considerations, marketing and   of adulty learning, coaching and   The course will cover definition
        fundraising, create local standards,   supervision which promotes   and evaluation of the Purpose/
        and design program to assist   professional growth, principles/  Problem statement, the research/
        leaders for academic leadership   standards for effective teacher   scientific hypothesis, the statistical
        covering strategic planning and   evaluation and performance-based   hypothesis, the null hypothesis,
        implementation, people management   approaches to teacher development/  alternative hypotheses, directional
        and corporate governance, and   school improvement that are closely   or non-directional, Ethical issues
        resources management.         aligned with student learning   in empirical research, types of
                                      outcomes.  Students will understand   educational reference resources,
        EDU 503 - Curriculum          the need to continue to learn,   sources and effects of sampling error,
        Development and Program       to practice and to develop skills,   characteristics and consequences of
        Assessment                    attitudes, as well as the behaviours   biased samples, types of probability
        Credit Hours: 3               they need in order to be effective in   and non-probability based sampling
        Prerequisite: No pre-requisite  their current workplace and future   plans randomness, types of variables
                                      leadership roles and consequently   and how they are used, research
        This course aims to equip students   develop a plan for personal growth   validity, measurement instruments,
        with the skills to design and develop   and help other teachers to learn   types of research designs,
        future-ready curricula through a   and grow. Students will learn   advantages and disadvantages, and
        critical analysis of current curriculum   strategies for empowering teachers   descriptive statistics.
        philosophies, standards, policies and   and administrators to become
        practices. Students will also utilize   active responsible teachers and   EDU 580 - Thesis
        a range of curriculum assessment   supervisors, so they will achieve   Credit Hours: 6
        models to evaluate curricula and   greater success in the dissemination   Prerequisite: EDU501 + 15 Core Chs.
        suggest innovative ways to enhance   of their skills and knowledge. This
        them, ensuring alignment with   course will also focus on designing   This six-hour course is the
        current educational standards and   and delivering effective professional   culmination of study for the Master
        societal needs.               development events for educators in   of Education degree. The research
                                                                     project is designed for students
                                      their schools.  This train-the-trainer
        EDU 504 - Big Data and        course is intended to improve the   to engage in original independent
        Information Systems in        students’ skills in designing and   research which will add to the
        Education                     delivering success strategies to   body of knowledge in the field of
        Credit Hours: 3               educators. The course content will   education. Students will complete,
                                                                     publish, and defend their original
        Prerequisite: No pre-requisite  cover skills that are drawn from best   research project. Students will take
                                      practices in instructional supervision
        This course introduces how to utilize   and personal deployment seminars.   the theory portion of Thesis over a
                                                                     16-week session but cannot submit
        educational data to make valid data
        driven decisions. Scholars will explore   EDU 506 - Research Methods in   the completed thesis for review and
                                                                     defense for a minimum of three (3)
        the collection of data, evaluation,   Education
        and analysis of data and how data   Credit Hours: 3          months after completing the theory
        can enhance decision-making.                                 course. Thesis projects must be
                                      Prerequisite: No pre-requisite  completed within twelve (12) months
                                                                     following the completion of the thesis
        EDU 505 - Professional        The primary objective of this course   theory course.
        Development and Instructional   is to develop a research orientation
        Supervision                   among the scholars and to acquaint
        Credit Hours: 3               them with fundamentals of research
                                      methods. Specifically, the course
        Prerequisite: No pre-requisite  aims at introducing them to the
        This course will provide students   basic concepts used in research
                                      and to scientific methods and their
        with the theoretical foundations   approach. It is designed to provide
        for instructional supervision and

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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