Page 178 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
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                                      specifically the Science component.
        EDC 485 E - Methods for       This course examines the concept of  Master of
        Teaching French
        Credit Hours: 3               STEAM (Science) and its significance   Education in
                                      for people and society. It is designed
        Prerequisite: EDC471, EDC472,   to provide key constructs of STEAM
        EDC473, EDC474                (Science), create STEAM (Science)   Leadership
        This course is a specialized program   learning experiences, and design
        designed to prepare scholars to   STEAM-based (Science) pedagogy
        effectively teach Social and Behavioral   and assessment skills relevant to   Core Courses
        Sciences, Technology, Engineering,   grades K-12.
        Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM),
        specifically the Science component.
        This course examines the concept of                          EDU 501 - Leadership in
        STEAM (Science) and its significance                         Education
        for people and society. It is designed                       Credit Hours: 3
        to provide key constructs of STEAM                           Prerequisite: No pre-requisite
        (Science), create STEAM (Science)
        learning experiences, and design                             This course offers an in-depth
        STEAM-based (Science) pedagogy                               exploration of the multifaceted role
        and assessment skills relevant to                            of leadership in education. Students
        grades K-12.                                                 will synthesize, evaluate, and
                                                                     redefine the theoretical frameworks
        EDC 486 E - Methods for                                      and practical strategies essential
        Teaching Islamic and Arabic to                               for effective leadership in diverse
        Non-natives                                                  educational settings. In this course
        Credit Hours: 3                                              students develop critical thinking and
        Prerequisite: EDC471, EDC472,                                decision-making skills to navigate
        EDC473, EDC474                                               complex challenges and inspire
                                                                     positive change within educational
        This course is a specialized program                         institutions and empower their
        designed to prepare scholars to                              leadership potential.
        effectively teach Social and Behavioral
        Sciences, Technology, Engineering,                           EDU 502 -  Institutional
        Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM),                               Enhancement and Quality
        specifically the Science component.                          Assurance
        This course examines the concept of                          Credit Hours: 3
        STEAM (Science) and its significance                         Prerequisite: No pre-requisite
        for people and society. It is designed
        to provide key constructs of STEAM                           This course focuses on the process
        (Science), create STEAM (Science)                            of development of fundamental
        learning experiences, and design                             concepts and procedures relative
        STEAM-based (Science) pedagogy                               to effective planning and change.
        and assessment skills relevant to                            The course will cover the main
        grades K-12.                                                 issues related to enhancement
                                                                     capacity programs and institutional
        EDC 487 E - Methods for                                      development and help leaders
        Teaching Early Childhood                                     and managers to plan, implement,
        Credit Hours: 3                                              improve, change, and create
        Prerequisite: EDC471, EDC472,                                supportive environment. This course
                                                                     will cover research in organizational
        EDC473, EDC474
                                                                     settings, organizational theory,
        This course is a specialized program                         change theory, and organizational
        designed to prepare scholars to                              development. Students will learn
        effectively teach Social and Behavioral                      to apply the criteria to develop and
        Sciences, Technology, Engineering,                           evaluate instructional methods and
        Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM),                               strategies to enhance schools and

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
   173   174   175   176   177   178   179   180   181   182   183