Page 177 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 177


        in observation, lesson planning,   EDC 479 E - Methods for   This course examines the concept of
        development of appropriate    Teaching Sciences              STEAM (Science) and its significance
        assessment tools, classroom   Credit Hours: 3                for people and society. It is designed
        management plans, and reflection of                          to provide key constructs of STEAM
        their practicum. Additionally, students   Prerequisite: EDC471, EDC472,   (Science), create STEAM (Science)
        will publicly present their e-portfolio   EDC473, EDC474     learning experiences, and design
        and teaching experience.      This course is a specialized program   STEAM-based (Science) pedagogy
                                      designed to prepare scholars to   and assessment skills relevant to
                                      effectively teach Social and Behavioral   grades K-12.
         Elective Courses             Sciences, Technology, Engineering,   EDC 483 E - Methods for
                                       Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM),   Teaching Information
                                      specifically the Science component.   Technology
        EDC 477 E - Methods for       This course examines the concept of
        Teaching Islamic              STEAM (Science) and its significance   Credit Hours: 3
        Credit Hours: 3               for people and society. It is designed   Prerequisite: EDC471, EDC472,
                                                                     EDC473, EDC474
                                      to provide key constructs of STEAM
        Prerequisite: EDC471, EDC472,   (Science), create STEAM (Science)
        EDC473, EDC474                learning experiences, and design   This course is a specialized program
                                      STEAM-based (Science) pedagogy   designed to prepare scholars to
        This course is a specialized program                         effectively teach Social and Behavioral
        designed to prepare scholars to   and assessment skills relevant to   Sciences, Technology, Engineering,
        effectively teach Islamic Studies.   grades K-12.            Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM),
        This course examines the concept of   EDC 480 E - Methods for   specifically the Science component.
        Islamic Studies and its significance   Teaching English      This course examines the concept of
        for people and society. It is designed                       STEAM (Science) and its significance
        to provide key constructs of Islamic   Credit Hours: 3       for people and society. It is designed
        Studies create appropriate learning   Prerequisite: EDC471, EDC472,   to provide key constructs of STEAM
        experiences, and design-based   EDC473, EDC474               (Science), create STEAM (Science)
        pedagogy and assessment skills   This course is a specialized program   learning experiences, and design
        relevant to grades K-12.      designed to prepare scholars to   STEAM-based (Science) pedagogy
        EDC 478 E - Methods for       effectively teach Social and Behavioral   and assessment skills relevant to
                                                                     grades K-12
        Teaching Math                 Sciences, Technology, Engineering,
        Credit Hours: 3               Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM),   EDC 484 E - Methods for
                                      specifically the Science component.
        Prerequisite: EDC471, EDC472,   This course examines the concept of   Teaching Fine Arts and Graphic
        EDC473, EDC474                STEAM (Science) and its significance   Design
                                      for people and society. It is designed   Credit Hours: 3
        This course is a specialized program   to provide key constructs of STEAM
        designed to prepare scholars to   (Science), create STEAM (Science)   Prerequisite: EDC471, EDC472,
        effectively teach Social and Behavioral   learning experiences, and design   EDC473, EDC474
        Sciences, Technology, Engineering,   STEAM-based (Science) pedagogy   This course is a specialized program
        Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM),   and assessment skills relevant to   designed to prepare scholars to
        specifically the Math component.   grades K-12.              effectively teach Social and Behavioral
        This course examines the concept                             Sciences, Technology, Engineering,
        of STEAM (Math) and its significance   EDC 482 E - Methods for   Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM),
        for people and society. It is designed   Teaching Social Sciences        specifically the Science component.
        to provide key constructs of STEAM   Credit Hours: 3         This course examines the concept of
        (Math), create STEAM (Math)                                  STEAM (Science) and its significance
        learning experiences, and design   Prerequisite: EDC471, EDC472,   for people and society. It is designed
        STEAM-based (Math) pedagogy and   EDC473, EDC474             to provide key constructs of STEAM
        assessment skills relevant to grades   This course is a specialized program   (Science), create STEAM (Science)
        K-12.                         designed to prepare scholars to   learning experiences, and design
                                      effectively teach Social and Behavioral   STEAM-based (Science) pedagogy
                                      Sciences, Technology, Engineering,   and assessment skills relevant to
                                      Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM),   grades K-12.
                                      specifically the Science component.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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