Page 176 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
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        General Education Courses

        Professional                  This course provides an in-depth   inclusive educational programs that
                                                                     will promote ethical and evidence-
                                      exploration of the philosophical,
        Post-Graduate                 psychological, educational, social,   based learning experiences.
                                      and legal foundations of special
                                                                     EDC 475 E - Educational
                                      education. It is designed to equip
        Diploma in                    students with advanced knowledge   Technology
                                                                     Credit Hours: 3
                                      to implement instructional strategies
        Teaching                      and accommodations that effectively   Prerequisite: No pre-requisite
                                      meet the needs of students of
                                      determination.                 This course facilitates students’
                                                                     acquisition of technological skills
                                      EDC 473 E - Educational        and tools in an innovative teaching/
         Core Courses                 Psychology and Learning        learning process. Students will
                                      Credit Hours: 3                familiarize themselves with a
        EDC 471 E - Classroom         Prerequisite: No pre-requisite  comprehensive technology toolkit,
        Management for Inclusive                                     develop skills in selecting appropriate
                                                                     digital resources to facilitate the
        Education                     This course explores human     implementation of technology-
                                      development, educational psychology
        Credit Hours: 3               theories, and their implications for   integrated lesson plans and
        Prerequisite: No pre-requisite  teaching, learning, and assessment.   strategies, and adapt instruction to
                                      Students will integrate theories into   complex educational setting and
        This course will explore the   their teaching philosophy, setting   diverse learner needs.
        foundations of education that lead   goals for academic and professional
        to various theories of ethical and   growth while adhering to ethical   EDC 481 E - Practicum Course
        effective classroom management   standards.                  Credit Hours: 6
        for K-12 settings. The course                                Prerequisite: EDC 471, EDC 472,
        also examines the process of   EDC 474 E- School Curriculum
        planning, fostering appropriate   Credit Hours: 3            EDC473, EDC474
        social interactions and student   Prerequisite: No pre-requisite  Co- requisite: One of Methods
        engagement, prevention of student                            of Teaching Courses - EDC477,
        misbehavior, response to challenging   This course explores various   EDC478, EDC480, EDC482, EDC483,
        situations and building positive   aspects of school curriculum   EDC484, EDC485, EDC486,
        classroom communities.        including theoretical principles, and   EDC487
                                      perspectives of curriculum design,
        EDC 472 E - Special Education   implementation, and assessment for   This course culminates
        and Exceptionalities          continuous improvement of student   knowledge and skills in the PGD-
                                                                     Teaching diploma. Students
        Credit Hours: 3               learning outcomes.   Learners will   complete 13-weeks of practicum
        Prerequisite: No pre-requisite  engage in analysing curriculum   demonstrating mastery of teaching
                                      framework, design, and creation of   concepts. Students will participate

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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