Page 18 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 18

18  voice  · FALL 2023


         as students

          EDITED BY RABIYA SHAUKAT (1075099)

                                         high school  —

                                graduation photo, 1979

                     Mr. Shannon

                     Todd Glasgow

                     Senior Instructor of English, AA

                         As an undergraduate, I was a stu-              My year abroad at Harlaxton was
                     dent  in  a  hurry,  finishing  my  BA  in     filled with mind-opening intercultural
                     International Relations at 19.  Because        exchanges, endless travel opportunities,
                     I planned to work and travel in Europe         and the development of lifelong friend-
                     after graduation, I took heavy course          ships. Some years back, I reconnected
                     loads and worked up to 60 hours a week         with more than 120 of our international

                     between two jobs.  So, I didn’t really         alumni via Facebook and email, leading
                     have  much  of  a  student  life  except       to reunions in the US, UK, Turkey, and
                     when  I  attended  Harlaxton  College,         Germany.  My  Harlaxton  experience
                     located in a 19th century manor house          was a major stepping stone to my later
                     in central England.                            decision to complete a post-graduate
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