Page 14 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 14

14  voice  · FALL 2023
         Are EV’s

         the future of


         & RAWDAH ALHOSANI (1090984)

               lon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, the world’s            Over the years, the mechanical systems

               leading electric car company, famously         in electric vehicles have evolved greatly.
         E said,  “We  will  not  stop  until  we  see        Modern EVs feature sustainable components
         every car on the road being electric.” These         and a mechanical system that promotes envi-
         words resonate powerfully today as elec-             ronmental and human well-being. Powered
         tric cars continue to surge in popularity.           primarily  by  electricity  derived  from
         However, electric vehicles have been around          rechargeable  batteries  and  solar  energy,
         for a while now, dating back to the 1800s,           these vehicles contribute to the reduction
         when a chemist named William Morris built            of greenhouse gas emissions, noise pollution,

         the first-ever model. In the following years,        and air pollution.
         the demand for electric cars rose with time,             With  the  global  population  steadily
         from Morris to Musk and the many other               growing, energy demand continues to soar,
         car companies that are producing
         them today.
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