Page 13 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 13

FALL 2023 ·   voice 13

         food items, were provided as gifts to the            humility and care. “What makes this event
         workers on the day. In addition, workers             even more special is that this time around,
         participated in fun games such as spin the           the appreciation is coming from the students’
         wheel  and  photo  booths,  with  vouchers           side. We are used to having the appreciation
         being awarded to lucky winners.                      coming from the management, but the fact
             Itaf  Youseff,  Event  Committee  Leader         that it comes from the students sends a great
         from Abu Dhabi campus, told ADU Voice                message.”
         that she is incredibly proud of the event’s              Itaf added that apart from the well-de-
         success. “It was so nice to give back to the         served show of appreciation, planning the

         helping staff around the university who do           event also boosted teamwork and morale
         so much for us every day,” she said. “I think        amongst the community of final-year cap-
         it's important to show them how much we              stone students. “It was really fun to organize
         appreciate their hard work and dedication.”          the event and see everyone come together to
             Shadi Gamal, Senior Manager of Business          make it happen,” Itaf said. “Overall, it was
         Support & Facilities (BSF), commended the            a great experience, and I'm really glad we
         students for this unprecedented display of           were a part of it.”
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