Page 15 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 15

FALL 2023 ·   voice 15

         putting strain on fossil fuel reserves that              Critics argue that electric vehicles are
         are projected to deplete within the next few         unaffordable compared to gasoline-powered
         decades. The transition from gasoline-pow-           cars. While it is true in part, this viewpoint
         ered vehicles to electric vehicles is already        lacks foresight. Electric vehicles may come
         underway, as evidenced by the exponential            with a higher upfront cost, but they are a

         growth of electric car markets. The global           long-term investment. The average amount
         sale of electric cars exceeded 10 million,           spent on maintaining a gasoline-powered
         constituting 14% of all new car sales in 2022        car annually is approximately $930, while
         alone.                                               electric vehicles require just around $490 in
             The  increasing  demand  for  electric           maintenance, resulting in a significant dif-
         vehicles is driving investments in electrifi-        ference. This underscores the affordability
         cation across various transportation sectors.        and long-term savings potential of electric
         Notably, more than 65% of all investments            vehicles.
         in  the  transportation  industry  in  2021              With the depletion of fossil fuel reserves,
         were directed towards electrification. This          the fate of gasoline-powered cars is clear.
         includes the electrification of heavy-duty           Like any old vehicles, these cars will end up
         trucks, buses, and automobiles. As invest-           in scrapyards, with their parts being sold

         ments  continue  to  pour  in,  the  prices  of      individually. Alternatively, some individuals
         electric vehicles are expected to decrease,          may choose to convert their gasoline-pow-
         making them more accessible to the public.           ered cars into electric vehicles, a service
             Governments  worldwide  are  not  only           now offered by numerous garages and shops
         encouraging the use of electric vehicles but         worldwide.
         also  implementing  measures  that  would                However, the future of transportation
         result in zero net emissions. Countries like         undeniably lies in electric vehicles. Their abil-
         India have organized contests to purchase            ity to reduce emissions will prove extremely

         and install thousands of electric buses              important in achieving a sustainable future.
             in  major  cities  whereas  countries  like      Therefore, instead of questioning their poten-
                      Germany and the Netherlands             tial, it is essential to shift our focus towards
                             even plan to outlaw the use      making electric vehicles more accessible to
                                   of gasoline by 2025.       most of the public in the coming years.
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