Page 17 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 17

FALL 2023 ·   voice 17

                                                   Sustainable clothing uses eco-friendly materials,
                                               reduces waste, and promotes ethical labor practices
                                               in an effort to lessen the environmental effect of the
                                               fashion business.  The manufacture of synthetic fibers,

                                               such as polyester, which are not biodegradable and
                                               can take hundreds of years to decompose in the envi-
                                               ronment, is one of the major causes of pollution in the
                                               fashion industry. When synthetic clothing is laundered,
                                               microplastics may be released into the water supply,
                                               endangering marine life and adding to ocean pollution.
                                               The fashion business and its operations are a significant
                                               source of pollution for a number of reasons. One of
                                               the primary causes is the fast fashion trend, in which
                                               goods are created quickly and inexpensively, resulting
                                               in overproduction and product waste.
                                                   Being sustainable in the fashion sector is essen-

                                               tial since the effects of the problems we now face are
                                               becoming worse. In the inexpensive synthetic fabric
                                               that is still utilized, the production process uses haz-
                                               ardous chemicals and microplastics, which continue to
                                               pollute the water. Workers continue to be overworked
                                               in subpar conditions with extra hours and low earnings,
                                               and labor exploitation does not end. Fast fashion also
                                               has an increasingly negative impact on the environment

                                               owing to the large quantity of waste generated because
                                               such collections of clothing are considered “last season.”
                                                   Making comfortable, fashionable, and ecologically
                                               responsible clothing out of recyclable materials is one
                                               way to find a solution. Priority should be given in pro-
                                               duction to recyclable, durable, and ecologically friendly
                                               materials such organic cotton, hemp, and bamboo. The
                                               objective is to establish a sector that manufactures recy-
                                               clable clothes and promotes sustainability in the fashion
                                               industry. We may combine fashion and sustainability by
                                               following the right procedures for resource extraction,
                                               manufacture, and use of sustainable clothing. Setting up

                                               the right standards will help businesses become more
                                               environmentally conscious while also improving how
                                               they cater to client preferences. By implementing such
                                               techniques, we would be moving closer to a day when
                                               sustainability is the standard across all industries, not
                                               just the fashion sector.
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