Page 16 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 16

16  voice  · FALL 2023




                         A journey towards sustainable fashion

              WRITTEN BY FATMA MOHAMED (1085099), RIMA HASNA (1083669),
                           AISHA WAKIL (1081964), & OHOD AFIFI (1081671)

               ustainability is the capacity to utilize
               and preserve our present resources with-
         S out jeopardizing their availability in the
         future.  It  is  critical  to  spread  awareness  of
         the advantages of adopting environmentally

         friendly materials and production techniques
         while promoting the usage of sustainable cloth-
         ing goods. We can lessen the harm that the
         fashion industry causes to the environment
         and to people’s health by wearing sustainable
             Utilizing environmentally friendly clothing
         goods aids in resource preservation, pollution
         reduction, and the advancement of a more eth-
         ical and sustainable approach to fashion. Many
         organizations are now making great efforts to
         decrease the negative consequences that the

         fashion industry has on society and the envi-
         ronment. There will soon be a severe worldwide
         climate  problem.  It’s  more  important  than
         ever to educate individuals about these issues
         and encourage them to make better informed
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