Page 21 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 21

FALL 2023 ·   voice 21

                                                             –  from PHD days

                                                                    in the library, 2015

         Dr. Hatem


         Assistant Professor of Environmental Health & Safety, AA

             My student life was a mix of every-        lectures. I realized that if I paid full
         thing;  friends,  fun,  dreaming  of  the      attention to everything covered in class,
         future, and exams. It was full of happy        I would not need to study much to do
         moments and rarely sad ones. I was a           well in exams. Now, I am on the other
         self-motivated student who enjoyed life        side of the table, and this is a lesson I
         and did very well academically.                keep communicating to my students.
             My  favorite  memory  was  taking              If I were to say something to stu-
         my classmates to an empty classroom            dents of ADU, I would say that the most
         before exams and going over the exam           important thing to explore in their life
         material to help them perform well.            is yourself, to know who you really are
         It felt extremely good when they did.          and what you want. Learn from every
         That experience made me realize that I         experience whether it is happy or sad.

         love teaching and may have to become           Appreciate sad experiences as much
         a professor.                                   as happy ones because they will shape
             I  learned  that  I  must  always  be      you and your future more significantly.
         positive and focus on my goals. The            Stay positive regardless of what hap-
         most important strategy for me to suc-         pens around you.
         ceed academically was to cherish my
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