Page 23 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 23
FALL 2023 · voice 23
Strive for an
academic life that
strikes a balance
between the
seclusion needed for
focused research and
a keen awareness of
the rhythms of the
real world.
during master’s, 2010 Mr. Larbi ^ photo from bachelor’s
Ben Thaier final year, 1985
Senior Instructor of Arabic, AA
Academic rigor was highly valued previously unrecognized religious dis-
at the institutions where I studied, but course-specific language and reasoning
it often hindered creativity. To combat in classical Arabic writings. It also
this, I tried to foster a love for learning emphasized how important extensive
and a sense of enjoyment. I embraced inter-textual analysis is to fully com-
a variety of study techniques, realizing prehend and accurately reproduce the
that the only thing people needed to texts.
change were themselves. I also used a If I were to offer advice to ADU
mix of strategies to be prepared for my students, I would encourage them to
various classes. strive for an academic life that strikes a
One of my favorite memories as balance between the seclusion needed
a student was conducting advanced for focused research and a keen aware-
research on discourse analysis and ness of the rhythms of the real world.
the cultures of the Arab and Islamic Students need to prioritize time man-
worlds. I had the opportunity to thor- agement, take thorough notes, utilize
oughly investigate two rare Middle-Age available tools, seek clarification when
texts pertaining to the debates between necessary, actively engage with peers,
Malikism and Ibadhism. This revealed and embrace personal growth.