Page 20 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 20

20  voice   · FALL 2023

                     photo taken after

                              finishing master’s

                          degree, 2011

                     Dr. Lina


                     Assistant Professor of Law, AD

                         The most memorable time in a per-          first  love  my  job.  I  also  learned  the
                     son’s life is when they were a student.        importance of praying when faced with
                     My  student  life  has  played  a  huge        challenging situations and the signifi-
                     role in shaping my career. I learned           cance of helping others since it is only
                     how to grow socially, philosophically,         by doing these things people will be
                     physically, and emotionally. It was a          willing to help me when I am in need.
                     wonderful time with no responsibil-                To ADU students, my advice would
                     ities to worry about and no conflicts          be to trust yourselves, your faculty, and
                     to resolve. The essence of student life        your  university.  Develop  your  skills
                     lies in simple things like being curious       by  actively  seeking  guidance  from
                     about your friends’ grades or feeling          your instructors. Find passion in your
                     envious if they perform better.                chosen field and consider pursuing fur-

                         My favorite memory is when I met           ther studies to enhance your career.
                     an elder professor in Commercial Law           Remember that even after completing
                     who became my guide and motivated              your studies, ADU will remain your
                     me build a career in law. I discovered         home, and you can return at any time to
                     that in order to establish my reputa-          find us ready to answer your questions
                     tion and have my job love me, I must           and help you achieve your dreams.
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