Page 22 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 22
22 voice · FALL 2023
Dr. Ilias during master’s, 2010
Assistant Professor of Finance, AA
I remember performing as an aver- When I was a student, I learned that
age student. I would study a lot, but only you should never forget or derail from
during the exam periods. That habit of your goal, regardless of what you’re
mine resulted in a lot of stress regard- doing or how much free time you wish
ing grades, and I learned my lesson to have in your life. This entails grad-
the hard way. I was carefree in general uating and living your life with your
since my responsibility was to acquire hard-earned degree with a solid posi-
the degree, dream of a bright future tion and career.
with friends, watch a lot of movies and If I were to say something to ADU
play a ton of video games. students, I would advise them to have
My favorite memory as a student a balanced life but also to always keep
was the parties we had organized at their goals in mind. It might be chal-
the beginning of every semester. Yet, at lenging, but with the right commitment
the top of the list was when the Greek and constant follow-up, they can be
National Team won the 2004 Euro achieved. Life will never be easy. So,
Football Tournament. We celebrated use the chance to reflect on what you
for three weeks at the university with need in your personal and professional
live performances and disco nights. life in order to succeed.